💛❤ She loves me, They love me not 🇱🇹🇮🇸

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//Licking, Sucking, Fingering

Request from: _xLemonadex_

Lithuania: Ciswoman, Sapphic (Attraction to women and some non binary identities), Plays basket ball, Has seasonal depression, Onws an artic fox plush, Afraid to admit she likes girls because of her past, Tough but anxious gurl

Iceland: Demigirl (She/They), Lesbian, Often forgotten by their siblings, Owns a fox plush, Accepting demigurl

They have crushed on eachother for a long time.

3. Person's P.O.V.

Iceland layed on her bed petting her fox plush.
They absolutely loved it.
It was her 'best friend's' favourite animal which was the main reason she had gotten it.
She stroked it's fur and thought about her ''friend'' Lithuania.

'By this time of the day she is most likely in basket ball training... I'll do it. Ask her out- to night!'-
They thought to themself.

She had liked Lithuania for a very long time and finally after her brother, Norway had given her confidence she was ready.
They were going to ask her out on a date to their home.
She really hoped Lithuania would accept her invation but she had a fear in the back of her head that Lithuania would get axious because of the things she was taught in the past.

Iceland knew that Lithuania's father really left an inpact on her and every one of her siblings.
Expecially when it came to loving somebody with the same gender.

'...I know all of them have had a rough past but her siblings have broken his rules and some are now in a relationship with my siblings! Like Eistland is with Finnlandi and Hvíta-Rússland is with Noregi! Surely she'll broke them as well!!' (Estonia, Finland, Belarus, Norway)
They thought to themself hopefully.
Lithuania was finally home after the long practice.
It was dark already.
She was tired, feeling upset and just wanted to go lay on her bed untill the sun rose again.

*Ring ring*
She got startled when she heared her phone ringing.
She hesitently took her phone from her sports bag to see who the caller was.
The name on the phone screen read
'Artic Fox'

Lithuania started sweating.
She really wasn't in the mood for socializing with anyone but it was Iceland who wanted to talk to her.
She forced herself to answear the phone.

"S-sveiki Islandija-" (Hello Iceland)
She tried her best to keep her voice as calm and normal as possible.

"H-halló Litháen!" (Hello Lithuania)
Iceland was gathering up courage.

"Why- did you call me-??"
Lithuania tried her absolute best to be social but the energy from her body started to drain

"I- I'm gonna come out and say it-!"
Iceland took a deep breath...

"Lýðveldið Litháen" (Republic of Lithuania)
"Do you want to go out with me?"

Both of them were silent after the question.
Iceland was blushing hard and so was Lithuania.
At first Lithuania felt relieved and happy that Iceland actually had asked that but soon the awful memories fludded her mind.
She started panicking.

"I-I can't--- You- you're amazing- cute-- adroble-- and I like you-- a lot-- but--- I- I can't'-- I'm-- a girl and-- you are a girl too-- It's-- wrong--!!"
Lithuania was trembling as she spoke which lead her to drop her phone.

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