💛❤ Welcome to wonderland~ 🇰🇿🇲🇳

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// Licking, Passionate

Request from: minecraftforlife3

Kazakhstan: Cisman, Bisexual, Has trouble to remember things because of past trauma, Often imagines a wonderland with no care of outside world, Steppe eagle wing boi

Mongolia: Transwoman, Pansexual, Archer, Enjoys exploring trough air, Golden saker falcon wing gurl

Mongolia is going to surprise her boyfriend

Kazakhstan's P.O.V.


Mongolia was once again practicing archery somewhere.
...I forgot where.
She told me this morning buut.. I'm stupid and already forgot.
While waiting her to come back I started to drift off to my thoughts.

I have this place or world inside my mind that I like to call 'wonderland.'
It's a generic name but everything that happens there I remember, at least mostly.
The place is a valley, surrounded by mountains.
There's flowers, specifically lilies in diffirent colors.
Pink, purple, blue... pink, yellow, blue..... aaaand other colors too!
Then there is also a lake made up from the mountain rives.
The place is mostly poplulated by birds and insects.
I truly love this place.
I'd never want to leave!

"Казахстан! I'm home!" (Kazakhstan)
I snapped out of my world.
Mongolia was home!

I got up and flew into her arms.
I loved her so much.
And she loved me.

"Awwee did you miss me that much?"
Her arms around me felt so great.

"Ofcourse! You were gone like... uuhmmm... uuuhhhhh... well long time! I missed my lovely girlfriend!"
I gave her a kiss on the cheek.
It was convinent that we were basically the same height.

"So did I! Also, I found something! Would you want to come for a fly?"
She flapped her wings.

"Ofcourse I want to!"
I took a hold of her hand.

She dropped her bow and arrows on our hall way and walked outside.
She made sure she had the house keys before closing the door.
She asked me to lock it and I did as she asked.
We flapped our wings and rose high up in the air.
We had been flying quite a while.
The scenery was lovely tho!
Lots of forests, lakes and fields.
I'd love to explore diffirent places just like Mongolia but... she was a lot more skillfull flier then I and I'd only slow her down.
Also on my own I would just get lost to our backyard since I'd forgot which direction I came from.

"Okay dear, close your eyes now and don't peak!"
I did as she asked and now she was my guide in the air.

It was quite hard to fly with eyes closed but I was holding Mongolia's hand and being with her made me feel a lot better.
We started to land down.
I trusted Mongolia and let her bring as both down untill I felt ground under my feet.

"Caaan I open my eyes now?"
I was getting a bit impatent.

"Hehe ofcourse. Welcome to
I opened my eyes-
I-I couldn't belive what I saw-

A valley, surrounded by mountains- with all kinds of flowers!
This was just like-
No. This was my wonderland.

"I- love this place!! And- I love you even more Моңғолия!!!" (Mongolia)
I was so happy!
I picked Mongolia in my arms and hugged her!
...I just wasn't strong enough to hold anyone for long and fell down her in my arms-

"Sorry-! I just go so exited I-"
I was cut off by her kissing me.
I kissed her back.
She was an awsome girlfriend.
(Smut, is the theme in this book atleast mostly)
"This is amazing-How can I even repay this to you?"
I wanted to do something great to her as well.

"You don't have to do anything special! Buuuuut... that trip was loong and.. I'd like some.. sweet love from my boyfriend~"
..Ooh she was in that mood
Well if she'd like me to do that, I will.
No one else would see or judge us in this place.

I flipped us over.
Now I was on top of her.
The grass under us felt like a bed.
This place was perfect.

Mongolia opened her jacket while I took off my hoodie.
I wanted to make sure she was comftroble and as we took off our last peaces of clothing I placed some of them under her head so she woundn't have to lift it up.
She laughed.
Her laughter is one of the most beautiful things I know!

"I love everything in you so much!"
I said to her as leaned down and kissed.

Her lips were so soft and her body so beautiful.
She was finally in that point where she was happy how her body looked like.
If she was happy, I was happy.
All I ever wanted was her to be happy and comftroble in her own body!

I moved down to her neck to give her some love bites.
She liked to give them to me as well but today was my turn to give love to her.
The sounds from her mouth were so adoreble when I found her sweet spot and focused on it.
Next I decided to explore her pretty body only with my tongue and leave some marks on the way.
Her arms were pretty, legs amazing, back lovely, stomach great and her chest and private parts were perfect now when she was finally happy how they looked like!

I ended my journey to her beautiful hole and put some of my fingers inside my mouth.
It was the only moisturiser we had and I wanted to prepare her before putting my member inside.
Last thing I wanted to do was hurting her.

I pushed one of my fingers inside her and soon another one.
With my thump I started to rub her senitive spot.
It made her moan quietly.

"Mmhhh~ Please Казахстан- put yourself in me!~"
Mongolia was really wishing me so I slowly pulled my fingers away and pushed my member slowly inside of her.

As I started to move I continued to rub her sencitive spot and occasionally leaned down to kiss her face, neck and chest.
I wanted to pleasure her as much as possible.
She really liked that based on her gasps and moans.
I was glad I was making her feel good!

"Please- go as fasterr aaHh!~"
As she wished I started to quicken the pace.
I was close to coming inside of her-
I wasn't sure if she had had multible peak of enjoyments already but she pleaded me to contunue and I wanted to make her feel good as a thank you for finding my wonderland I had told her about.

"NnGhh- Yess! AaHhnngg~~ Thank you Миний хайр!!~" (My love)
Atleast she liked it when I finally came inside of her.
I pulled out panting and collaped next to her.
The grass felt so nice to just lay on.
I put one of my wings on top of her as a blanket.
When I clenced at her she was smiling so widely.
I could tell I succeeded at making her feel good!

We laid there a while enjoying each others comppany.
This place was amazing!
I already had forgotten the way here but Mongolia remembered it and that was the only thing that mattered.
She was the best girlfriend anyone could ever ask for!
//Wing boi and gurl go brr
Also also transwomen are women and transmen are men
Also also nonbinary people are nonbinary

Countryhumans Smut/Fluff One Shots *REMAKE*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ