💛❤ Stupid, I love you 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇮🇪

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//Intoxication, First time with the same gender

Request from -xoAidanz

Scotland: Cisman, Bisexual, was married to a woman but divorced her, More dominative, Alcoholic punk

Ireland: Cisman, Questioning but still identifies as straight, Was also married to the same woman as Scotland but divorced her, Enjoys drinking with lots of people, More submessive, Has started to queston his friendship with Scotland

At this point they are just 'good homies'

(Seamrag, clover in Scottish and Aonbheannach, unicorn in Irish)

3. Person's P.O.V.


Ireland was cooking potatoes as Scotland sent him a message.
He took his phone and checked it out.

'Hey, Seamrag. Want to come to the pub with a couple of lads?'

Ireland read the message and responded with an agreement almost immidietly.
He wasn't sure what it was about but everytime Scotland asked him to hang out his heart started to pound faster.
He knew he was straight but there was something about Scotland's charm that he liked, a lot.
Ireland put his phone to his pocket went to get his keys and wallet.
He pressed his favourite cap on his head which had a four-leaf clover badge on it and left to the pub.
He forgot the potatoes on the stove top that he left on.
He arrived on the pub and walked in.
He started looking around untill a familiar balmoral cap caught his attention.
Scotland was indeed with his lads, Finland and Germany.
Scotland and Finland bonded over their liking of punk rock music and Germany hanged with Finland due to them being old friends.
They all had the liking of beer in common.
Ireland went over to three tipsy lads.

"Look who it iiiss! Seamrag!!!"
Scotland put his arm over Ireland's sholders and knuckled his head with his other hand.

"Stoop it Aonbheannach!"
Ireland sat down next to Scotland.

"Four beers please."
Germany asked from the counter.

Soon all four of them had a beer mug in front of them.
This was going to be a fun time.
All four of them were pretty drunk by now.
They laught, played games, sang and danced.
They were finally kicked out when Finland and Germany stared to sing and dance Säkkijärven Polkka on a billiards table while Scotland played the melody with bagpipes that he carried everywhere with him.
"Heehhh that wass GreAT ladss..!"
Ireland leaned on Scotland while he was talking.

"We'll.. see you.. alcoholics later..!"
Finland wawed and started to wobble to his own home.
Germany did the same.

"Can ye... make it till..yer house??"
Scotland put his arms around Ireland to prevent him from falling.

"..Oh.. uuhh... maybe...??"
Ireland didn't really pay attencion to what Scotland said.
He liked being close to the Scottish man.

"..I'll take ye home."
Scotland started to walk with Ireland who leaned even more against him.
Scotland had a bit more ballance left compared to Ireland.
After a long walk and a few times of tripping down they were close to Ireland's house.
Scotland heared sirens in his (non existent) ears and started to speed walk.

"...Well. It seems yer.. house is burning."
Scotland lifted Ireland's head so he could see too.

Ireland let go off Scotland and he was about to fall down immidietly before taking even one step.
Scotland caught him before he hit the ground.
The Irish man's face became more red, not just from alcohol.

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