💛❤(💙) Ofcourse it wasn't true... 🇷🇺🇩🇪

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//One sided wet dreams and fantasies (@busive fathers mentioned)

Russia: Cisman, Closeted bisexual, Germany's childhood friend, He isn't avare of Germany's feelings torwards him

Germany: Cisman, Bisexual, Is in love with Russia, Is too afraid to admit in fear of rejection since in the past he fell in love with a lesbian, Also has a theraphy German Shepherd

Germany has gotten more and more thoughts of his childhood friend.

Germany's P.O.V.


"Германияя~" (Germanyy)
I heard Russia's voice and turned around.
He was so tall and handsome-
I was blushing hard.

"J-ja-?" (Y-yes?)
He was so hot-

"Would you like to have a hug and lean on this strong chest of mine?~"
He didn't need to ask twice.
I pressed myself against him.
He was everything I ever needed in my life.

I loved it when he called my name.



I fliched and opened my eyes-
I was in an European Union meeting-
Leaning on Italy-

"W-was-- oh--eww-"
I quickly pulled myself away.

'Our brother from another parents'
as Japan would say.
Why from all the countries from here I thought h e was Russia.

*Offended gasp* "HoW daRe yoU say eWw tO mE? I'm gOing to teLL GiaPPone." (Japan)
Ofcourse he was like this.
His best trait was to be very annoying.

"Japan would say eww to you as well. Also keep your voice down before EU kicks you out. Again."
I just wanted to go back to that dream where I was with Russia.
I was too tired to focus on the things EU was talking about.

"Did you work through the whole night again? Did you sleep at all??"
Why would he care?
It was none of his business.

I hope he'd realize soon I was getting very annoyed from his questions.

"Amico live a little! Like I do!"
He was really starting to irritate me.

"Drink wine everyday and flirt with anyone. And also get beaten up by everyone."

"Esattamente!" (Exactly!)
I just growled as a response and leaned against my hands while my eyes started to close.

"Hmmmmmm... Diiiiid you dream about that biG and HaNdSoMe SlaV RuS-"
I quickly opened my eyes and took a hold of his shirt's collar pulling him down to my level.

"S h u t. U p. I t a l i e n."
He might be like a brother to me but there were moments he really got in my nerves.
This was one of those moments.

..He was tearing up now.
Fuck I gave him flashbacks of his childhood-

I let him go.
I wasn't suprised he mentioned his father because of my outburst.
After all he was awful.
So was my father and I looked just like him with these sharp teeth that I absolutely hated.

"I- I mean Germania- Sorry I didn't mean to-"

"I get it. I remind you of him. I'm not suprised. I look just like my own vater."
I didn't want to listen what he would say next.

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