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Because of the rain, we moved all the people inside the big hall we have in the pack house, which we usually use for parties because it's quite big. Everyone is having a good time, while I keep mind-linking Roman wondering where is he. Annabelle is not happy at all about this situation, and that makes me anxious. She is now with Lisa enjoying the food at the buffet. From time to time, she glances at me hoping for some sign to tell her that he is here.

"Alpha, we have a problem. The two rogues have escaped." Jack mind-linked me.

A growl escaped my lips, unable to hold back. People looked at me worriedly, but I smiled as if nothing was wrong. My mate knows me very well and was already by my side.

"Find them, and make sure you keep them in their cell this time, Jack. "I ordered.

"Is everything all right?" My mate asked, touching my hand to help me relax.

"Just a minor problem, two rogues who were captured managed to escape somehow. Jack is searching for them." I explained.

"And I was going to ask you to substitute him with one of the warriors so that he can come and stay with Lisa, but I guess that's impossible now," she stated.

"I'm sorry, angel, but Jack is not happy with this situation either.  He will make up with her. And, since there are two rogues on the run, try not to stay out of my sight." I told her sternly at the end so she know I'm serious.

"As you wish, Alpha." She said pecking my lips. I groaned wishing to be alone with her and show her all my "wishes".

The party continued and everything went on as planned. Once in a while, we said our goodbyes to those leaving, until  Alex, Layla, Annabelle, Lisa, and I were left alone. I saw that Lisa was a little sad and internally I groaned because I knew my mate would nag me.  We decided to go outside and stay on the porch. It was beautifully decorated and I'm glad the rain didn't destroy the decorations.
We all started talking about old stories, especially those about me, Alex loves to embarrass me.  At some point, I smelled it, the scent of rogues. I immediately got up, put Annabelle and Lisa behind me protectively, and Alex did the same with Layla. I saw two girls running and Jack with Eric following them. The girls were quite fast and it was hard to catch them, but they finally managed somehow. I have to admit that I didn't expect them to get close to the pack house.  What I expected was for them to go straight to the border. That's probably the reason that it took Jack so long to find them. That and the rain. Clever.

"Anita, you're alive!? " Suddenly Alex said and I snapped my head toward him.
"Anita? Like his sister Anita?" I thought to myself confused.

"Hannah!? Is that you?!" Layla asked, trying to get closer.
"Okay, I don't know who she is!" Alex was so shocked that didn't even bother to hold her back. Probably he felt safe enough to let her get closer.

"Archer,  you'd better tell your beta to keep his hands off my sister," Alex demanded, and I nodded. Jack was about to do as he was asked when a loud growl made us get closer to our mates in protection.

"MATE! MINE!" Roman claimed and looked in the direction of the rogues.

"Okay, what is going on?" I thought.
I was confused, not knowing who he was referring to, but I was happy for my brother. He deserves a second chance and to be happy. On the other hand, Alex had a very perplexed and at the same time horrified expression. Both of the girls were hesitant and didn't say anything. I didn't like it, but somehow I understand, this situation is a very complex one. There are so many questions going through our heads.

I would like to stay here and tell you more, but it is not my story to share. I took my mate's hand in mine, looked at her lovely hazel eyes, and knew that everything would work out.

Who would have thought that night would change our lives?

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