16. Why ? part 1

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"Annabelle, I can explain," I said guiltily. I saw her lower her gaze and it almost made me growl not liking her avoiding my eyes.

I was still holding her waist because I felt the need to be as close to her as possible. Suddenly she put her hand on my chest to push me away. I was hurt by that small action, but I understood she needed some space and more importantly an explanation.

"I was a wolf, I-" she paused. "How is that possible?" she asked.

At her question I stiffened, remembering my wounded mate and how I almost lost her. I clenched my jaw, still remembering the rogue on her. Olivia and the doctor left us alone to talk.

"You were attacked by a rogue. My wolf sensed something was wrong, but I wasn't fast enough to protect you. I'm sorry." I said and continued as she nodded her head. "When I got there I killed him and I thought I managed to arrive in time, but you were there, unconscious, in a pool of blood. I couldn't protect you and you got hurt because of me. I-" I paused and took a deep breath to calm myself. "You were alive, so I decided to take you to our hospital because it was closer, but your heartbeat was dropping to a point that I thought it was too late to save you. I knew you lost too much blood and the chances of you waking up were low, so I did something I shouldn't have done. I turned you into one of us, into a werewolf." I explained and stopped to allow her to process.

She said nothing and just looked at her hands. We remained silent, and I didn't know what to say, do, or whether I could touch her. I was terrified of her reaction. Turning a human into a werewolf is not completely legal in our world, but I didn't regret doing that. I knew I would have lost her and that was the only chance I had to keep her alive. I failed to protect her.
The reason we can't turn a human into a werewolf is that it might kill him and we have to avoid killing humans as we don't want problems with them. Only a werewolf with alpha blood can do that, he has to be your mate and the human has to accept you. I had all the requirements: I'm an alpha, she is my mate and apparently, she accepts me. I didn't know that she accepted me, I wasn't sure of that, but I was more than desperate. I needed her, she is mine and she accepts me so that is more than enough for me to never let her go.

"So..." I looked at her impatiently as she started talking again. "What I'm supposed to do now? I mean, I don't know too much about werewolves. Should I live here from now on? Can I still work at my cafè? I have a lot of questions, Archer." She was sobbing, but I could see she was trying to hold back her tears.

I hugged her and whispered sweet words in her ear to calm her down. Luckily, she let me comfort her and started to cry on my shoulder. I knew this is too overwhelming for her so I just draw circles on her back to relax her, and after a while, it worked.

"I'm sorry," she said looking into my eyes again.

"Shh angel, it's okay. I know it's not easy and I promise I will help you adjust to this new world." I told her.

"But what am I going to tell Lisa?" She whimpered.

"The truth!" I said, looking straight in the eye, and she was surprised at how serious I was. "I know she is Jack's mate, so she needs to know the truth about us, and besides, it's not like you can keep her out of this. There will be some changes, first of all, your impulses. You will get angry easily and it's hard to control your wolf when you are mad, so we will have to train you. Your senses will improve, and your wounds will heal faster, but you can still live the life you want. I mean, you can still work at the cafè, but I need you to live here, my wolf will not be at peace if you are not near us."

She remained silent and I became nervous. "Why do I have to live here and why wouldn't your wolf want me to stay with Lisa? After all, you were fine with that until now. Is it because I was a human and now I'm a werewolf like you? " She asked me confused and a little bit hurt by my words.

I tensed at her question and ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. "Of course not! I know you are different, but that hasn't changed the way I feel about you. I want you here because of what happened. You were attacked by a rogue, and it seems he was able to get through the borders easily. I'm very careful about the guarding shifts, so I think there is a mole in the pack. You were attacked and I don't think it was casually." I paused and she nodded. "Also, Jack talked to your friend and convinced her to live here for a while. He explained your situation and she will come to see you, she is in the waiting room." She looked at me again with a wide smile on her face that made my heart clutch with happiness.

I love her smile and I already love her, if only she knew how much.

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