27. The Storm

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I was sleeping when I felt a shock-like pain. It was the worst headache I had ever had, it was like lightning bolts, and I started to panic because I knew that there was only one reason for that pain.

"Annabelle. "

I stormed out of the pack house and tried to reach her through mind-link when I heard her.

"Archer. "

It was weak, hard for everyone to hear, but not for me.

"Roman, block the borders and don't let anyone out. Annabelle is in danger." I ordered through the mind link as I ran following her scent.

I reached a tree and saw blood, her blood. I didn't want to lose focus, so I tried to concentrate on the scent, I had to find her, but I kept repeating in my head that she was fine as if it was some kind of spell.
Her scent was getting stronger and stronger, so I knew I was close. I kept trying to mind-link her, without succeeding, and I knew for sure she was unconscious, but I had to try. I quickened my pace in an attempt to find her when I saw the clouds were beginning to thicken in the sky. Just a moment before the weather was perfect and now it was changing.

"Not now, please, not now. " I begged in my mind, hoping to find my mate before it started raining when I felt it.

The drops dripped onto my skin and at the same time washed my last hope, the trail she had left for me to follow. The scent became weak, but I couldn't give up, I wouldn't give in. Then the rainfall became more intense crushing completely my hope, but I kept running not sure if I was reaching her or not. I couldn't even concentrate on the sound because of the rain, it was like ball bearings were hitting the grass with force. The moment I reached the border the curtain of rain passed over, but there were only my men there, no sign of my mate.

"No, no, please no. " I kept repeating in my mind.

I panicked and felt the whole world come crashing down on me. I mind-linked all of them and asked if there was any sign of my mate, or if they saw something strange, but nothing. They had completely disappeared. Everything was aching, my head was spinning. If anything happened to her I would never forgive myself. I had promised to protect her and had failed again. I looked desperately everywhere, searching for her, hoping to find a clue or something that would lead me to her.
I saw Roman approaching me cautiously.

"I want more guards on the perimeter!" I ordered and he nodded.

"She is still alive, Archer. There is still hope and we will find her." He said trying to reassure me, but he couldn't. Nothing will make me feel better than having my mate in my hands again.

"You're right. She is alive Roman, so we will make sure to do anything to find her before anything happens." I gritted my teeth. "Watch the borders."

I mind-linked Jack telling him to meet me with the group sent by Alex. I walked toward the place where I smelled her blood. My thoughts were racing, not quite sure what to think. Who to be suspicious of? How did he manage to escape or come into my pack? I punched my fist straight through the tree and growled loudly.

"She is gone and she is hurt. Find mate!" My wolf whimpered.

I tried to control my breathing. This is not the moment to lose control, I must concentrate. When I regained control again, I saw people coming. The scent of her blood makes me want to rip my heart from my chest and start crying, but I can't. I must do everything in my power to find her. As I waited for them I smelled it, it was there, my hope. A few steps from the tree there were a few drops of blood on a piece of rock, and the scent wasn't of my mate.

"Alpha." They all bowed their heads.

"The Rogue took my mate and we lost their tracks because of the rain. Unfortunately for him, we found something that might help us." I told them as I was getting up. "You are the best trackers Alex sent to me. Are you able to find him?" I asked their leader and he took a sniff of the blood that was on the rock.

"We can try, the rain has washed away the trail, but this might help. However, I can't promise you anything." He replied and I nodded to allow him to proceed as fast as possible. They immediately left, leaving me alone with Jack.

"Did you find the mole?" I asked him.

"No, alpha." He answered. Somehow I knew he was going to say that.

"You sure take your time." I snapped. "I feel that everything is against me,  even the weather. It's strange. Whenever I get close to him, it rains and we lose track of him." I continued and grabbed his neck.  "I feel that I can't trust even my friends anymore. Why do I feel you had something to do with it?" I gritted through my teeth.

"Archer, let him go." A sudden voice said, and I snapped my head toward it.


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