11. Overwhelmed

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I slammed the door of my house on the way in. I still can't believe what happened, my heart was beating so fast and I'm glad I had my car today.

"This is the first time you've come early in ages. Is everything okay?" Lisa suddenly asked as she got down.

I hoped Lisa wasn't home because she immediately knows when I'm lying, but I will still do my best.

"Yes, I was just a little tired," I said, looking away hoping she would let it go. I couldn't have been more wrong.

"Annabelle, I know you. Please, tell me what happened." She said with pleading eyes.

Whenever I thought about the cafè and what happened, the images of how Olivia shifted into a wolf kept popping into my mind. I shook my head trying to get rid of them.

"It's just that someone unexpected showed up at the cafè," I said as I took off my shoes.


"No, his fiancé, Olivia," I answered and noticed that Lisa's face had darkened. "She knows about the kiss, but she is fine with it because the engagement was made by her parents." I continued.

"Okay, that's kind of messed up." She managed to say.

I still don't know if I should tell her about the werewolves' stuff.

"Who I'm kidding? She will definitely think I've gone crazy.

I sighed not listening to what she was saying.

"Bell are you listening?" Lisa suddenly asked interrupting my thoughts.

"I'm sorry Lisa, I'm a little tired and I want to be alone," I said and she nodded in understanding.

I went to my room and couldn't stop feeling weird about what Olivia had told me until my mind stopped on a word she said: 'mate'. I remember her telling me that I was Archer's mate.

"But what does mate mean?" I asked myself.
From Olivia's words, it seemed like I was his significant other, but from his behavior, he didn't really want me. If I knew I had another half I would have done anything to have him by my side.

I was on my bed and trying to sleep, but I kept tossing and turning around throughout the night. I could barely rest because I thought about what happened. At some point, since I couldn't stop tossing and turning around, I got up and did some research on werewolves. I read about them, their rules, about Moon Goddess and mates, which are soulmates so my guess was right. I still can't believe it, it's like Plato's other half theory is real. Probably more than half of my research is not even real.
I know it sounds stupid and I could have asked Olivia anything, but when she shifted I couldn't help but run away. I was too overwhelmed by all the news and to tell you the truth I didn't expect to feel this way the moment I saw Olivia shifting, but I guess I asked too much of myself. I still think that my reaction was normal since I didn't believe her at first.
I continued to look at my research and tried to find something that made sense to me, especially the mates part since I could relate what I had found to my experience. Strangely, I couldn't find anything that talked about humans and werewolves being mates, but I felt a strong connection to him, even the sparks when we touched.

'Bonding'. That word made me think when something clicked in my mind.

'Lisa said she kept thinking about Jack, and his behavior was also strange at the cafè. It was their first meeting. What if Lisa was Jack's mate?'

That would be surprising, but it would make sense. Right now I feel terrible for running away; I need answers.
It was too early, but I needed a cup of coffee, so I went down to the kitchen and made it. I wasn't sure if I should tell Lisa about all my crazy nights when I heard someone coughing to get my attention.

"Are you awake?" I asked Lisa as she got closer and poured some coffee into a cup.

"Yes, there was some work I had to do so I woke up early. You look terrible Bel, you should get some sleep and coffee does nothing for those terrible dark circles under the eyes."

"I tried, but I couldn't sleep." I sighed still unsure if I should tell her or not.

"What's going on Bel? I know you didn't tell me everything yesterday, but I understand if you want to keep some things to yourself." She said and I made up my mind.

"Actually, yes, something has happened. You will think I'm crazy!" I said and she raised an eyebrow as if she didn't believe it. "When Olivia told me that her engagement was arranged by her parents she said something else. She told me that she, Archer, and even Jack were werewolves and that I was Archer's mate." I paused for a moment to let Lisa process everything when she started laughing.

"Is this some sort of comeback? You're joking right?" She said still laughing but stopped when she saw I remained silent and serious.

"At first I didn't believe it either, so I asked her to show me, and she shifted in front of me, Lisa. I know it's hard to believe, even though I still have to process what happened. I also did some research and found some very interesting things. Please, don't think I'm crazy!" I told her with pleading eyes.

She looked at me uncertain whether to believe it or not and sighed softly. "Show me!"

I smiled and showed her my research that was on the counter. At first, it was difficult to explain and I could see she thought I was a little bit crazy, but when I told her about mates and what I thought about her and Jack she started to believe it.

" I can't believe I'm asking this, but do you believe Jack and I are mates?" She asked me.

"I'm not sure, but I'm going to find out."

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