9. His fiancé part 1

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"It was a really nice evening. I enjoyed spending my time with you." I said, looking at Will as he walked me to the door. He had a big smile on his face and was getting closer. I knew he wanted to kiss me, but I didn't move; there was no reason not to. His kiss was soft, warm, and breathless.

"Good night Will!" I said smiling and went into the house without waiting for his reply.

I felt guilty and so uncomfortable. I know I shouldn't feel this way, but I can't help it.
After the meeting with Archer, I gave up on him completely. He confused me, I didn't understand what he wanted, but it wasn't me, as he said, otherwise, he wouldn't have left like that. I decided to give Will a chance and went on a date, but I couldn't stop thinking about Archer to the point that I felt so uncomfortable being there. It was like I was fooling myself. Even my kiss with him was like a test for me, to see how I felt, maybe I could get rid of my feelings for Archer, but I couldn't be more wrong.

"Why does it have to be so hard? Why can't I just forget him like he clearly did to me?" I sighed and went to the kitchen. I opened a bottle of red wine and slowly poured it into the glass when I heard the phone ring. Lisa had sent me a message that made me smile:


Lisa: I'm still at work, but text me when I can come.

Bel: You can come home now.

Lisa: Already?! Wow! That was quick, if it's because of me I can continue with my work. I don't mind, you can have fun.

Bel: We didn't do anything, just a kiss, and he's probably home already. If you finished what you were doing then come home.

Lisa: Okay, fine. But leave some wine for me too!

I smiled because I'm glad to have a friend like her to support me. She has always been there for me when I needed her and she knows me very well. It wasn't long before I heard someone come in.

"Lisa, is that you?" I asked unsurely.

"I hope you have a good reason for being alone on the sofa in that amazing dress." She said with shortness of breath; it was clear she had raced to get here as fast as possible.

"I, ehm, don't know," I said looking away from the guilt. She is trying to help me and I'm being difficult.

"Okay!" She paused "I don't get it, but maybe I understand you." She continued and I raised an eyebrow looking at her confused.

She took a glass of wine and we sat back down on the couch.

"Do you remember the guy who came at caffè, the one you said was Archer's friend?" I nodded my head and let her continue. " I can't stop thinking about him." She blurted out and I was a little taken aback.
"I don't understand it either, but I felt there was some kind of connection or attraction. I'm confused. I glanced at him a couple of times and I'm pretty sure he was staring at me and not you. Maybe I'm thinking too much, or it's some kind of spell because I can't explain it otherwise." She vented.

"If he comes again, I can ask him if he is still single." I half-joked.

"No offense, but if I end up like you, then no thanks." She responded and I just laughed, she was right, after all, no one wants to end up like me, obsessed with a man who doesn't feel the same way. "You should ask him how to meet Archer, to have some kind of enclosure, maybe then you can move on." She continued and I just nodded my head agreeing with her.

After that, we talked for a while and I think we both ended up sleeping on the sofa. In the morning my back ached from the uncomfortable position I had slept in, but I got ready to go to work as Lisa did.

The day seemed like a normal Sunday, there were the usual customers and I could say quite boring, but I couldn't be more wrong. At one point a woman walked in. I could tell it was her first time here, not because I remember all the customers, although I do, because they are all the same. I could tell she had a strange aura and I remember feeling the same way when Archer and Jack first came here. She looked around before her eyes met mine and a smile came to her face. I smiled too when she approached, but I started to feel anxious and I didn't know why.

"Are you Annabelle?" She asked

"Yes!?" I replied, looking at her confused.

"I'm Olivia, Archer's fiancé." She said extending her hand. Hearing those words made me feel like my heart had been pierced a million times. Tears came to my eyes, but I pushed them away. I felt betrayed, but it didn't feel right to cry. I started to feel guilty, but it wasn't my fault, maybe because of my feelings. Right now I was feeling different kinds of emotions, which were hard even for me to understand, but I tried not to let them show on my face.

Alpha Archer's weakness Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora