Chapter 8: How do you feel about pet names?

Start from the beginning

Cameron hums, "You always call me Cam. It should be something different."

"Okay, are there any pet names you've liked in the past?"

"Isn't it weird to have you call me something an ex called me?"

"You need to stop thinking of this as inherently weird. If it helps, it helps. That's all."

The coffee machine beeps and Cameron walks over, thinking. "Did you have any ideas?"

"I have some defaults."

"Such as...?"

"Are you using the syrups again today?"

"Did you hear the coffee beep?"


"Yes, Milo. I'll use the syrups you gave me. It seems important to you."

"It is. I like when you pamper yourself. You should do it more."

Cameron blushes and chooses the hazelnut syrup.



"Hm, you know, some doms punish their subs for having an attitude."

"That's not in the contract."

"Not this one."

"What happened to not guaranteeing a second contract?"

"I'm not. I just like making you think about what I could be doing right now."

Cameron flushes and sips his coffee. "You didn't say your pet name ideas."

"I'll give you a list, and I know you won't like some. Just listen."

Cameron listens.

"Are you listening?"

"Yes," there's a teasing edge to his voice.

Milo curses under his breath.

Cameron prods. "Do you like when I give you attitude?"

"We're not talking about that during this contract. Are you listening?" His voice is firm.

Cameron cowers just a bit. "Yes."

"Good. Baby is an obvious choice, a classic. Darling. Sweetie, not for you I don't think. Love, think of it more like how it's used in England than literally. Lover, that one...we're not there yet. Sunshine, also not for you."

"Most of that was insulting."

"They don't suit you. It's not an insult. I wouldn't feel right calling you something I don't think actually resonates with you."

"I don't hate the options you actually listed."

"Baby, darling, love. Does one stand above the rest?"

Honesty lately seems to be in such high priority, that Cameron finds it easier than usual to voice his opinion. "I don't know. They all seem...okay."

"Should I try them all? And you can let me know which is best?"


"Have you done anything on your list before I called?" Milo had asked Cameron last night to text him a to-do list for today before the call.

"Made coffee."

"I knew that one, baby. Good job."

Milo says it so smoothly Cameron almost doesn't notice. He doesn't know how it feels to hear Milo call him baby.

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