Chapter 4: Am I friends with the class president of D/S?

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Milo: do you want tonight to be a normal tuesday or do you wanna continue last week's conversations

Cameron: you shouldve asked that when i was 2 drinks in

Milo: that is Not how enthusiastic consent works

Cameron: god. yeah we can continue tonight for a bit

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They find each other after work to walk to the lounge together. They make the most useless small talk about each of their work projects, complaining about that one horrible coworker they both interact with more often than they wish they did.

And then they're in the booth again.

"So." Milo says, eyes on Cameron. Milo's wearing a bit more jewelry than usual, hair styled off his forehead instead of the way he usually wears it to work with his bangs tickling his eyebrows. Two buttons on his shirt are undone, tie removed. It's a bit of a uniform. It just...helps.

Cameron draws a circle in the air around Milo. "You dressed up."

Milo resists the urge to pout. "I dressed accordingly."

Cameron's lips twitch and Milo can feel him deciding whether to poke fun at it or actually examine it. "You...dress a certain way for...?"

"Yes, it helps. I wanted to focus tonight."

Cameron sips his whiskey and eyes Milo's soda. "Should I–"

"You can drink."

Cameron can't stop staring, a frown on his lips. "I don't know how to talk to you right now."

With a roll of his neck, Milo tries to soften the look in his eyes. "You remember what I said about lines? I need some of mine for this. Once I get a better idea of...what needs to happen, I can relax more. Is that okay?"

Cameron takes that in and then nods, but the set of his lips shows that he's still confused how to handle this. How to handle him.

"Okay." Milo taps his finger against his glass. "How long have you been thinking about this? Not asking me, the shit about me isn't important. BDSM. How long have you been considering it?"

Cameron stares at his drink, that question is easier to focus on than this unfamiliar energy Milo is radiating. "I don't know. There were times you'd talk about it and it didn't make any sense. And then there were times it made perfect fucking sense. I didn't really know what to think about it, whether you just...told good stories or if it meant something about me. So I did some research." He meets Milo's eyes. "Don't. I needed to start somewhere. And the more I read, well. I didn't relate to all of it."


"Milo. I know. And I know there's still a lot I don't know. I looked up enough to know...that I wanted to know more. And the more I thought about it, the more I knew I needed to talk to you about it. And I wasn't sure if you would misunderstand, and then I wasn't sure what I was worried you'd think. Because if anyone was going to understand, it would be you. But we made it such a joke that I never talked about my sex life and I didn't know...but it's not always sex, right?"

"Right." Milo says it softly. "I'm glad you saw something about that." He takes a moment to form his question carefully instead of stumbling around it the way he would normally. "Is it okay to talk about BDSM in terms of your sex life or would you prefer to talk about the platonic options?"

Cameron takes a moment to really think about that, but there's already a decision in his eyes. "I'm interested in the ways it can be platonic but I don't think that's all I want from it."

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