Chapter 7: You chose violence this morning, I see

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On Friday night, Milo starts scheduling.

Milo: can i call you in the morning?

Cameron: yes

Milo: when are you thinking you'll be awake

Cameron: probably 11

Milo: ill call at 1130 and the scene will start

Cameron: are you more excited about this than i am

Milo: i'd like to think we're both excited

Cameron: maybe

Milo: ill talk to you in the morning. sleep well

And that's different. Cameron can't remember Milo ever telling him to sleep well like that. Unless he was sick or something.

Cameron: you too

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When Milo's name flashes on his phone screen at 11:30am on the dot, Cameron supposes he shouldn't be surprised.

"Good morning."

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

"I did. Um, did you?"

"Not exactly. Kept thinking about what I was going to do to you today."

Cameron actually chokes on his coffee.

"You okay, Cameron?" But Milo says it like he knows exactly what he did and isn't worried per say.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Cameron takes another sip of the coffee, catching his breath. "You chose violence this morning, I see."

"I did nothing of the sort. Just want you to know I've been thinking about you."

And Cameron starts to understand exactly what he signed up for. Talking about it in theory had been intriguing, but detached. There was that growing tension between them where they both were thinking about what this would be like. But none of that could've really prepared him for this, for Milo to talk to him like this. "Summer." Maybe his safeword is cheesy, but Milo always loved that poem of his and Cameron knows what's tattoo'd on Milo's ribs. It felt appropriate.

"Was that too much?" Milo's voice is back to normal. "Should I tone it back?"

Cameron takes a minute to grasp how Milo can go in and out of this...character. Whatever this is. "It's just...I don't know how to speak back to you. It's more...intimate than I expected."

Milo's quiet for a moment. "It was always going to be intimate, Cameron."

He knows that, he does. "You got there faster than I expected."

"Sorry, I kind of wanted to throw a bucket of ice water at you, so to speak. See how you reacted. I need to gauge what works for you since neither of us know what that is yet."

Cameron's pacing in his apartment. "Is there a word that takes us back in?"

"We can continue, if you're ready."

"I'm ready."

"You've made yourself coffee already?"

"Um, I did, yeah."

"Black? What about those syrups I got you? You never use them."

Cameron stares at the syrups he'd put next to his coffee machine. It's true, he doesn't use them. One of them isn't even open. He's not quite sure why Milo's bringing it up right now.

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