Tang held up the map towards a window, "If this map is correct...! The last Ring of Samadhi should be around..." He pointed to the center of the large lantern on the scroll, "Here somewhere." He pushed the scroll down, "I mean that looks like a good place as any to look for..." He trailed off when he saw the group already leaving, "HEEEEY—!!"

As they ventured the streets, Wukong was literally picking up baskets and boxes, "Alright! I remember throwing the ring around here somewhere..."

Macaque scoffed, "Oh great Buddha..." He facepalmed.

Mei narrowed her eyes at the Monkey King, "I thought you hid it."

Wukong raised a brow at her snappy attitude, "Yeaaah? By throwing it! Into the crust of the earth!? Where no one could find it." He placed his hand on his hips, "Keep up dragon pony girl."

"That's just irresponsible." Redson commented with crossed arms.

Mei rolled her eyes, "Tell me about it."

MK rubbed his chin as he glanced around, "Is there a festival happening?"

Pigsy was at a stall vendor, "Looks like it."

After everyone had figured out that the Ring was actually the founding of evoking a spike of evolution in Lantern City, they realized that the Ring had to be somewhere in the center of it all.

"So what? We're just gonna wander around until we just happen to stumble upon the ring, or..."

"I'm sure it's not gonna be that hard..." Jinhua smiled softly.

"That's good. I would hate to be here any longer than possible... The joyous air around here, is making me sick." Redson stuck his nose up in disgust at a group of laughing children.

Tang brought up his glasses, "Of course not, Pigsy. I think I know exactly where the ring is..."

Wukong then interrupted him, "It's in the giant lantern in the middle of the city."

Tang gasped, "Hey—! That's exactly what I was gonna say!"

Macaque sighed, "Unnecessary, Wukong..."

MK raised a brow, "How do you figure?"

Jinhua frowned, "Here we go..."

"Somehow, the villagers find my super hidden magic ring... There's a giant magic lantern in the middle of the city." Wukong shrugged casually, "Imma go ahead and say they put it in that. It's two plus two bud."

MK rushed forward and landed on Monkey King's shoulders, "And two plus two is three! WHOOHOO! The third ring!"

Mei cheered as well, matching his energy, "Big brain boy comin' through!!" She high fives the boy.

Redson raised a brow at the math not adding up, "I'm sure that's not correct...."

Jinhua chuckled, "It's not."

Macaque sighed and looked over the rails idly, "Try and convince a simian that they're math isn't mathing and they'll just prove it's correct."

Redson frowned, "What a strange race of demon..."

Wukong walked over while keeping MK balanced in his shoulders. He grabbed a flyer off a community board next to the rails and handed it to Sandy, "Here you go, big guy. You haven't said anything in awhile."

MK leaned down with pity face, "Can't read?"

Wukong looked at him passively, "Uh... I get stage fright or something..."

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