(SI.L.K arc) Part 5

Start from the beginning

Gwen: "...:"

Hearing no reply, George took this sign to leave the bedroom door. Witha sigh, Gwen turns to lay on her back with her arm covering her eyes. From the ceiling a black symbiote slowly drop to the bedroom floor.

Gwen continues to recall the memory from a different Y/n, reliving the chaos, the emotion that Y/n had boiled up inside, and the animalistic destruction he caused as Carnage.

As she relives every painful moment, the symbiote starts to make its way up her bed frame. With Gwen preoccupied with her memories, the symbiote manages to crawl up Gwen's legs, slowly assimilating her lower body until the symbiote begins to reach for her head.


Suddenly, Gwen's spider-sense warns her of an oncoming danger, prompting her eyes to shoot open, but it was too late, for the symbiote had already began to take over Gwen's body, and the emotion she felt inside surfaced.

In an abandoned warehouse, several thugs can be seen gathered around, some positioned a few feet away.

Thug #1: "Yo, you got the goods?"

Thug #2: *scoff* "You already know. You got the money?"

The first thug pulls out a paper bag from his pocket and tossed it over to the second thug and inspects its contents, seeing a stack of cash inside.

The second thug then kicks over a duffel bag towards the first. Kneeling down, the thug opens the duffel bag to see bags of drugs inside

Thug #1: "Pleasure doin' business wit'cha"

Right as the thugs were about to wrap up, a figure crashed through the ceiling and landing in the middle of the warehouse, causing a cloud of dust to form around them.

Thug #2: *coughs* "Who the hell is that?!"

From the cloud, The thugs began to make out a a hooded figure of an all too familiar vigilante.

Thug #1: "Ah crap, it's Spider-Wo-"

Before the thug could call out their enemy, a tentacle shot out of the cloud of dust, impaling the thug through the chest.

Thug #2: "Holy shit! Smoke her!"

The thugs began blasting their firearms down on Gwen, creating a much larger dust cloud that blocks vision for every thug in the warehouse.

Thug #2: "Anyone got eyes on her?"

The thug looks around expecting a reply from one of his colleagues. Only to be met with silence.

Thug #2: "I said, do you guys see Spider-!"

Thug #3: "Oh god!"

The thug turns to the scream, seeing the flash of gunfire.

Thug #3: "No, stay back! Stay back!"

The gunfire gives a brief light to Gwen's silhouette, seeing her shadow continuing to approach the thug seemingly unfazed by the bullets as tendrils sprout from her back and plunges it deep into the thugs body.

Thug #2: 'Fuck this!"

Grabbing the bag of money along with the duffel bag, the thug begins to sprint out of the warehouse. Ignoring the screams of his colleagues and the gunfire that accompanied it, taking a few detours as bodies land in his way.

The thug manages to spot the door leading out to the warehouse along with the red and blue lights of the police. This earned a sigh of relief from the thug and bursts through the doors, immediately being met with the drawn weapons of the police.

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