"If it was five years ago, that must've been when All Might defeated All for one. That would mean All for one must've been controlling the world if his defeat meant that the villains had to go into hiding and go on defence." Midoriya mumbled to himself while his peers tried to theorise amongst themselves.

"If it were five years ago it would've been around the time chainsaw massacre was around, which means he must've been- Hey where are you going, you shouldn't be moving around?!" Todoroki reminded his friend, trying to stop the blue-haired boy.

"Let go Todoroki, I need to go," Ilda demanded, giving Shouto a cold glare.

"I can't let you go, you'll only damage yourself more," Shouto replied, not moving an inch.

Assessing the situation, Yūsutasu sighed and got up, placing his hand on Shouto's shoulder. "Let him go, I'm pretty sure whatever he wants to do is important." He told his junior.

"Fine." Todoroki scoffed, removing his hand from Ilda's side, and allowing the injured boy to go.

"Thank you Yūsutasu." Ilda bowed before leaving the room.

"I think we pissed him off a little with the Stain thing." Draw mentioned, earning a shrug from his future peer.

"People are gonna have different opinions no matter the situation, that's how life is." Yūsutasu sighed, sitting on his bed. "To be honest, I'm glad we didn't get any punishments for fighting with four people without hero licenses. The old man would've killed me if Mr Doggie had punished us." He spoke, remembering back to the conversation the police department had with them all.

"If my father lost his hero license, I would've celebrated." Todoroki pessimistically spat.

Whilst the three boys continued to talk amongst each other, Izuku checked his group chat, looking at the text messages his friends had sent him. "Guys, who's Overhaul?" Midoriya asked them, stopping their ongoing conversation.

"No clue." Todoroki shrugged.

"Yeah same, I don't know who that is." Sleeves said, shaking his head.

"I've heard of him, but I don't think he's anything too big," Kodomo replied, looking at his junior.

"Well he tried to meet the Heavenly Demon last night, but he was stopped by two of my friends and Deku." Izuku notified them.

"That means Ho was there too," Yūsutasu smirked, picturing his introverted friend fighting a bunch of goons.

"Why were they trying to meet? The Heavenly Demon doesn't do meetings with low-level criminals." Todoroki wondered, intrigued to know why the two criminals were trying to meet.

"Well, Kacchan and Eijiro said he had quirk erasing bullets. Deku was able to grab one whilst the goons escaped." Izuku informed them.

"Mhm, maybe he isn't a low-level criminal after all." Yūsutasu thought out loud, opening his phone to learn more about 'Overhaul'.


In a tall building in Tokyo, one man and his protégés sat in silence, thinking about the events that took place the night prior. "Sorry, we let him escape." A red hair boy apologised, looking at his new mentor.

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