chapter 14

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I woke up feeling much better, tired, but better than before.

It was about 3pm and I looked outside. It was still thundering like crazy.

I got up and that's when I noticed the room. Since I was sick, I never got a chance to actually appreciate all the details. The ceilings were at least 15 feet high. The room had a light grey theme with different shades varying all around.

I loved the neutral look.

I got up and went to look for my father. I walked outside and saw no one was there.


"Ronan?" I called out loudly. It felt weird calling him "dad" when both of us were still so new to this.

The sight of the open floor plan caught my attention

I finally took proper view of the place. The apartment was huge. More like a penthouse.

I walked to the window and admired the view. It looked breathtaking. I'd never once in my life seen the city from this view before.

I turned around and noticed the large kitchen area as well as dining room and living room. The kitchen area had a double island with two large stovetops. On the side there were two grand fridges.

Right next to it was the large dining table that could probably fit up to 12 people.

On the opposite end there was the large living room area with a huge U shaped white couch. In the middle, there was a coffee table made out of pristine marble.

How rich is this man?

Where the elevator was, there was a huge staircase that led to the second level. I hadn't been up there yet so I'd figure I'd go and explore. As I approached the stairs, I noticed there was a huge room below it with clear glass windows and a door. Inside was a huge fitness system gym. Right opposite that was the guest room where I've been staying.

I went upstairs to explore and hopefully find him. When I reached, I saw there was a large den area and then a hallway with more doors.

I called out his name again, but no answer. I went back downstairs to see if there was a note or anything in the counter.

As I looking around, I heard a door close. I turned to it and saw the man who gave me medicine yesterday close the door to the patio.

I think his name was Grey.

"H-hi, do you know where Ronan is?" I asked him politely.

He looked intimidating. Today he wore a fitted short sleeve shirt with sweatpants that proudly displayed all of his tattoos.

He looked to me and shook his head. "He's not here" he said in a deep, gruff voice. "He had to go do something."

"D-do you know when he'd be back?"

Another head shake. "No" he said emotionlessly.

I nodded my head awkwardly.

"You need to eat and then take your medicine" he told me in a firm tone.

This guy was scary.

"That's what I wanted to talk to him about. The new medicine is making me feel super nauseous" I told him wearily.

"Eating and drinking a lot of water will help" he said not looking to me. Instead, he went to the counter where a bag of things were left on it. He dug through the bag and found what he was looking for.

"This is an anti nausea pill. Take this before you take the medicine." He told me as he handed it to me with a glass of water. I thanked him and took it slowly.

"Make sure you eat a lot too"

I nodded my head. "I will, thank you"

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