chapter 41

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I was in a pissed off mood.

Everything went wrong today. From loosing a patient to shit going wrong at the club- it couldn't have gotten worse.

As glass of whiskey and sleep should ease the tension.

I entered my apartment and saw Charlotte and Grey sitting on the counter- both with tense looks on their faces.

I furrowed my eyebrows, seeming interested in what was going on as I threw everything on the counter and made my way to them.

Grey does well with hiding his emotions, but it didn't take a genius to figure out he too was loosing his patience.

"Grey it's family regardless of whatever happened in the past, you should try to reach out. The worst that could happen is her ignoring you. But you won't know if you don't try ." She said with a frustrated tone.

"Because you're too young to understand, Char. You don't know my past. Unfortunately things are just very complicated. Stay out." he said in firm tone.

His past. His family. That's what it was about.

My eyebrows immediately raised. He had a soft spot for her, so seeing him upset concerned me.

"Can you just stop being so stubborn?" She yelled at him with outflown hands.

I could see him getting more and more frustrated, which was my que to step in.

"That's enough, Charlotte" I told her in a firm tone that left no room for argument.

"No dad, you don't understand. If there's one thing I learned is that family is always going to be there for you. I think he should reach out and maybe they can reunite." She said in a soft, caring tone.

He slammed his hand on the counter. "Stop talking about them." He said in a dark tone.

He reached his breaking point.

"Charlotte I said that's enough. Quit it" I told her I a loud, and even firmer tone.

Her demeanor changed immediately. Her eyes got wide as if she was trying to process what just happened.

The minute he said it, he immediately regretted it. I could see the instant flash of panic on his face as he focused to her.

"Wait, Char-"

"I'm so sorry" she said softly. I could see the instant regret on her face. I knew she didn't mean anything bad. It was a touchy subject.

A heavy silence filled the room.

She looked up and apologized to him again, before she slowly retreated to her room.

"Char-" I said in a softer tone as I reached for her. Before I could, she moved away.

She avoided eye contact as if she was afraid of us. And quickly rushed upstairs.

Both of us regretted it. Grey shook his head back and forth as if he was angry.

I was at myself. I let my emotions get the best of me. He did too.

We knew she was coming from a good place, but she was still innocent to his past. She didn't know what he went through. Her optimistic self just wanted the best for Grey.

No one was wrong. Just a lack of communication. 

Though, I felt sick. Her reaction was like a sucker punch to the stomach.

The tears kill me.

"I should go talk to her." Grey spoke out, visibly uncomfortable.

"Look I'm sorry for what happened" I apologized to him.

He shook his head. "Don't be. She's right. I need to face my demons. She only wanted what's best for me." he spoke out.

He looked to me. "You've got one intelligent daughter."

I shook my head, in disbelief at what just happened.

"I have to apologize."

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