chapter 21

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My family watched in awe as I held my daughter and comforted her. A couple weeks ago, comfort wasn't even a word in my vocabulary.

Now, I'd do anything so she wouldn't cry.

No one said anything. After a couple minutes. She excused herself to the bathroom.

I looked up to my family. "What just happened?" I asked them, as I shook my head.

For the first time my father spoke.

"Fatherhood. I am very proud of the man you have become, Ronan. What you did just now was what any parent does for their child. Protect them until the end" he told me. He poured himself a drink and raised in in the air. Soon the others followed suit.

"To family" my dad said as he held up his glass, then took a sip.

We all cheered and took sips of our drinks.

"I always hated that bitch" my sister sneered. "And how dare they call my niece a whore?" she said angrily.

"She probably was a whore in her past life" Rehan said as he took another sip of his drink.

"Glad we don't have to deal with that anymore" muttered Adam.

yeah none of us really liked them anyway

Charlotte soon came back, and I could see a partial red tint on her cheeks. She was probably embarrassed, to which I would reassure her she didn't have to be. Her family has her back, and always will.

"I want to get to know my granddaughter" my mom smiled warmly.

Charlotte smiled back to her and nodded. "I'd love that"

"It's settled, we need to plan a family vacation to the beachside" my mom said happily.

A series of groans were heard. "Momm can we go someplace else? We always go there where the Wi-Fi is shitty and it's overly hot" Rehan whined out.

"What are you, five? She asked him, giving him a disapproving look.

"I'm suggesting to try something new" he told her, trying to negotiate.

She sighed. "You know what, why don't we just let Charlotte pick, hmm? After all she should get to experience a vacation of her choice" my mom compromised.

She looked like a deer in headlights when put on the spot.

"W-we can do whatever" she said in a soft voice.

"Outer banks it is" my mom smiled happily as she clapped her hand.

A little while later...

We had all finished dinner and it was just my dad and I sitting on the couch. My parents had booked a hotel nearby, but I insisted they stay with me.

My mom and siblings all went upstairs to shower and sleep after a long day of traveling.

That left my dad and I sitting on the couch, admiring the Chicago skyline, both with glasses of whiskey in our hand.

"How does it feel to be a father?" He asked as he leaned back on the chair, his leg crossed over his knee.

I thought about it for a second. "It's a ton of different feelings"

He nodded. "Seems about right" he laughed out.

"It's the craziest feeling ever. One minute I'm happy because she's happy, but the minute I see a tear, I'm ready to fight. I fear that what if she gets put in danger someday thanks to my career. Or if something happens to me, what will happen to her. She's already been through a lot at such a young age." I spoke out, mostly to myself.

"Those are all completely valid reasons. It's what parenthood is all about. Don't jump to conclusions just yet. Savor the present."

He looked at me with admiration. "I'm proud of you, son. I'm proud of the man you've become and the responsibilities you've taken on. How you protect your child and are willing to sacrifice everything for her." he said in a strong voice.

"That's a true man."

"I'll love and protect her until the day I die" I told him softly.

and that I will.

always and forever

Grateful | Fragile Hearts Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora