chapter 48

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It's been week since the whole family got back from vacation.

Everything was going better than planned. I still had a few weeks of summer left before school started, so I wanted to enjoy it as much as possible.

It was such a coincidence that Landon and his friends were all from Chicago too. The world works in mysterious ways I guess.

As a result, we all hung out often. They lived not too far out of the city which was very convenient.

No one really confronted it yet, but I think Landon started to have feelings for me. And I the same.

He was one of the kindest people I knew. Always caring but emitted that strong, respectful energy.

Today was the day he was coming over to meet my family. My uncles and aunts had to travel back to the middle east, but I was sure he'd get the same treatment.

Uncle Grey was also here setting up the table. He too insisted he'd be here "just incase" my dad got out of hand.

We all knew it was so he could intimidate Landon himself too.

I smiled to myself. I knew they were just looking out for me.

The elevator door chimed, making all of our heads turned towards it. As the doors opened a huge smile appeared on both our faces.

"Hey, Char." He told me as he handed me a small bouquet of tulips.

"Hi Landon." I blushed. He made me get butterflies in my stomach.

Uncle Grey and my dad made their way to us. Thankfully they didn't have murderous expressions on their face.

My dad held his hand out first. "Hello Landon, nice to meet you. I'm Ronan, Charlotte's dad." he said politely.

"Hi Mr. Ashford. It's a pleasure to meet you." He said in a calm, respectful tone. I admired that. I feel like any other guy would've been scared shitless, but he remained calm and had a ton of confidence in himself.

"We are glad you could join us for dinner. Why don't we take a seat?"

Before he could do so, Grey then held out his hand too. "I'm Grey, Charlotte's uncle." He said in a firm tone.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Grey."

He gave a curt nod.

We all sat around the table. My dad had already plated everyone some food and organized everyone's drinks already.

"Let's cut to the chase here Lando boy." My dad started off as he leaned back in his chair.

"I can tell you're a good kid. I did my research on you. Good family. Straight A student. Aspirations of becoming an engineer. Admirable..."

"What are your intentions with my daughter?"

"Sir, your daughter is an incredible person. Since I've gotten to known her, she's only proved me wrong in the sense that she exceeds my expectations. She's kind, humble, and is willing to do anything for the people she loves. She helps me be a better version of myself everyday.

With that being said, before I asked her, I wanted to ask you for your permission to pursue a relationship with her. It's very clear that she holds her family close to her heart, and I never want to disrespect that."

My father seemed impressed. As if he was at a loss for words.

After a few moments of silence, he pulled a small mental object out his pocket.

When the light hit it, I could see it was a bullet.

Oh gosh dad.

He threw it to Landon. Thankfully, he caught it without a flinch- but not without a confused look on his face.

"You see that? That's a bullet." my father started off.

"You break her heart, and the next one comes a lot faster." he said in a deadly tone.

Uncle Grey cracked a small smile as he sat back with his arms crossed and watched Landon closely.

"With that being said, you have my blessing to date my daughter. But the minute you want to make her cry or break her heart.."

"There's not a nook or cranny in this world you can run and hide and I won't find you. And you better pray I never do for your sake."

If Landon was scared, he sure as hell didn't show it. He kept his composure and nodded with a "yes, sir" following.

My dad nodded contently. "Alright, get out of here. Go get ice cream or something." He said with a small smile, making everyone relax.

"Thank you sir, I will have her back no later than 10pm."

"Thanks kid."

And soon him and I made our way downstairs.


Grey and I sat at the table as we watched them leave. I couldn't help but reminisce on how much she's grown in a short amount of time.

"She's growing up." I muttered sadly.

"She's always gonna need you Ro."

And she'll always have me.

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