chapter 39

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I woke up sprawled over the stupid couch bed that was probably half the size of me. I looked over and saw Charlotte fast asleep in the hospital bed, awkwardly holding her ribs so she wouldn't put pressure on them.

I sighed and shook my head. I felt incredibly sorry for all of this. One of the worst feelings in the world as a parent was seeing your child hurt. It made me feel useless and helpless.

I wanted nothing more than to have my way with that little shit.


Grey decided it was okay for me to go home (aka 3 floors above us) as long as I took it easy. He ended up wrapping my ribs gently to help with the swelling as well as gave me some pain meds to help tolerate the throbbing.

My dad carried me back to the penthouse and set me up with a blanket and pillow. With the medication, I was feeling better quickly.

The elevator doors opened and out walked my dad's entire family. My aunt, uncles, and grandparents all barged in and made their way over to me- concern written on all of their faces.

My grandma made it to me first. "Oh my grandchild, what happened? Are you okay? Do you feel better? Do you need anything sweetheart?" she cooed at me as she came over and say gently next to my leg.

"I'm okay, grandma. Please don't worry" I reassured her.

My grandpa was next. He brushed some hair away from my forehead and placed a gentle kiss on it. "How are you feeling, hun?" He asked me softly.

"Much better now." I gave him a small smile. He nodded satisfied. "Good"

"Now let's get down to business" he said, immediately switching his demeanor from loving to serious.

"Who the fuck did this and why are they still breathing?" My grandpa fumed out to my dad.

"Pops, it's okay, I promise. My dad is going to handle it." I assured him. It was true. I'm sure my dad was grateful his family was here so they can keep an eye on me while him and Grey go on a little "adventure".

No literally.

My dad came in and greeted everyone. "Trust me, I already found everything on that little shithead. I'll pay him a visit soon." my dad said venomously.

"Boys, what do you say we take a little field trip?" My grandpa smiled out. "Like the old days"

I knew what that smile meant. And it wasn't good.

My dad and uncles smiled. "That sounds lovely" Uncle Rehan responded with an evil smile. These boys were up to no good.

They can bid us goodbye and left promptly out the elevator doors.

My aunt and grandma made their way to me. "It's okay, sweetheart. You know how men are." She said softly.

I laughed out.

"Once they make it back in time for dinner, everything will be okay." My grandma said with a small smile.


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