The Hero Killer Stain

Start from the beginning

"Of course I do, he's my brother you asshole." The new Ingenium revealed, making Stain laugh.

"Oh, so this was for revenge, how pathetic. Now that I think about it, I remember him. His name was Ingenium." Stain remembered.

"I'm glad you remember him because when I get up, I'm gonna beat your ass in his name!" Ilda cried, trying his hardest to break free of Stain's bind. "Why... can't I get up?!" The confused Ilda asked the Hero killer

"News flash, that's my power kid." The villain replied, walking over to the Native American-looking hero. "Alright where was I?" Stain asked himself as he was about to stab the unconscious hero, but before he could fully swing his blade, a bin next to him began to shake, throwing his concentration off completely. "What was that?" The villain asked himself once again, looking around.

"Up here jackass." A levitating Yūsutasu smirked, moving the hero and Ilda to a rooftop next to himself. "Now how about I make you fly." The red-haired teen smiled, throwing Stain into the air with a wave of his hand, only to crash two Haki-covered balls in his abdomen. "Now eat dirt." Komodo scowled, forcefully sending Stain crashing into the ground.

"ARGH!" Stain groaned, struggling to get up. "My clothes, they feel heavy." The man complained, trying to use his Haki to break free of the magnetism.

"You're up Strawhat," Yūsutasu ordered, throwing Izuku into the air with his quirk.

"M-Midoriya?" Ilda weakly called out.

"Izuku Midoriya? I can't attack him, Himiko will get mad." Chizome kissed his teeth, finally breaking out of Yūsutasu's magnetic hold.

Realising his hold was broken, Yūsutasu immediately sent his Haki-covered balls to split up and pin Stain's limbs to the floor. "You're not going anywhere," Kodomo smirked.

"THIS IS FOR HURTING ILDA, GUM GUM: ELEPHANT GUN!" Midoriya declared, blowing into his thumb to create a huge fist, which was covered in Haki once at its peak capacity.

"I can't dodge it, shit!" Stain realised as the fist rocketed down, slamming against his body. Due to the size of the attack, Izuku tore down the buildings that Stain was sandwiched between, causing a large amount of debris to fall on the Hero Killer.

Landing at the edge of the rubble-covered alleyway, Izuku had a worried look on his face. "Oh no, did I kill him?" The boy panicked, trying to sense Stain's presence.

"Don't worry about that, stay on guard." His senior advised him, removing the rubble from Stain.

"Okay, Magnes." Izuku nodded, calling his senior by his hero name. Once all the rubble was removed, both boys looked at each other in confusion and terror as the body of Stain was no longer there, only leaving a pool of blood where he last was.

"Wait... Izuku move!" Magnes yelled, trying to warn his teammate.


"Don't move." A bloody Stain threatened, pressing his blade against the boy's skin.

"Shit, I was too late." Yūsutasu cursed, angry he couldn't use his foresight quicker.

In the alleyway, Izuku stood still as the psychotic villain rambled in his ear. "You know kid, you remind me of a young All Might, I can tell you and even that boy up there are gonna be the next big thing for this society, but I gotta know. Are you here to make a change like you say you are or are you here to give people like me false hope?"

"If you're a part of the group of people who were shunned by society due to unfortunate circumstances then yes, but if you're a ruthless criminal who does this for his own pleasure and no greater good, I'll be giving you false hope." The boy answered, making Stain happy.

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