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"What is it you require, my boy?" a man asked Percy, "Allow me to learn why my nephew favours you."

The son of Lupa bowed deeply, "The lord Apollo has sent me across the west to meet with various deities," He said. "The Olympians wish to know who they can count on to fight for them should the need arise."

The Titan became slightly angry. He stood up from his throne, eyes alight with a cold fury. "What? Have the gods disregarded my countless displays of loyalty?"

"My apologies, Lord Lelantus," Percy said, recognizing the sudden displays of temper that his patron was prone to. "Lord Jupiter provided me with a list of immortals to meet with. It was split between myself and Lord Mercury. Unfortunately, the list includes the names of many that he has no reason to distrust, yourself included."

Lelantus narrowed his eyes and sat down again. "Well, you can tell Jupiter that Lelantus will not allow the Crooked One to enchant him and that he is insulted that Jupiter thought he would." He waved his hand, and a strong breeze rushed through the room. The large door Percy had come in through swung open again behind him. The wind got stronger. Percy was lifted off his feet, carried from the throne room, and out of the building entirely.

The Palace of Lelantus didn't look like much from the outside. It wasn't a lavish home by any standards. Rather than a palace, Lelantus owned a small condo in Chicago. The Titan of the Wind lived in the Windy City. Hilarious.

Sighing, Percy pulled out his Braille notebook and enchanted pen(which was able to write indents to accommodate Braille) and checked off the box next to Lelantus' name, writing down the message he had been asked to deliver.

Moving down the list, the werewolf became confused. There was nothing there. "Odd," Percy said to himself. "This morning there were at least three more to do."

"That's right, Perce!" Apollo chirped, quite literally appearing from nowhere.

Percy bowed to the god. "Lord Apollo."

"How many times have I told you not to bow?" Apollo asked frustratedly.

"1437, assuming that question counts as one," Percy smirked.

"I hate that you know that," the god complained good-naturedly.

"My lord," Percy started, changing the subject. "What has happened to my list?"

"Right, that's why I'm here," Apollo said to himself. "Don't worry about that anymore. You have bigger fish to fry."

"My lord?"

"You are to return to Olympus and report your collected responses," Apollo said. "Afterwards, there is a questing group you are to meet up with."

"It would be my pleasure," Percy lied. He didn't want to abandon his current job when he was so close to the end. Apollo placed his hand on the boy's shoulder and they flashed out.

Percy felt himself rematerialize and sniffed the air. He was in the throne room on Olympus, sitting at the foot of his Patron's throne. Most of the gods were already present, save for a few.

The gods waited for everyone to arrive, and began their meeting. Percy had been to a few of these meetings. Most people thought that only the gods were allowed to attend, except for the winter solstice, but champions were also usually brought along. They weren't required to be there, but the gods usually brought them. According to Apollo, the only one who rarely brought their champion was Diana, who usually left her Hunters in her lieutenant's care while she was gone.

Percy noticed three other champions in the room. The first was Jason Grace, Juno's chosen. He sent over a smile and a wave, which was happily returned. There were also two girls Percy didn't recognize, but they represented Venus and Vesta respectively.

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