42. Braving the Unbeaten Path

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The engine echoed through a parking garage as we came flying in. It was a higher level so it wasn't as packed as the lower floors. When Yoongi stopped, I hopped off, quickly fixing my skirt before he turned around. When he removed his helmet, I chuckled at the mess of hair on his head and reached up and brushed it for him. His eyes retreated shyly the closer I got. Seeing his white shirt, I remembered to return his jacket that he lent to keep my skirt from flying up on the way.

"Keep it for now, you'll need it later."

I nodded then regarded our surroundings, "so what's here? Seems kind of random. You tryna get me kidnapped?" Yoongi gave me an unamused look. I shrugged innocently. "What? Too soon?" Joking about it even surprised me, but the truth is, I've never felt safer than now. Safer and happier, now that we were on good terms again. Also, something just felt different between us. I didn't know why or how describe how I knew. It was just a feeling.

"Walk to the end," he pointed toward one end of the row we were in. I looked at him, unsure. "Trust me, it'll be there."

I probably should've been more inquisitive since this place was an odd place to hold a graduation gift (unless it was a car, but I didn't think he was that cool) but the words 'trust me' sparked something. A kind of euphoric high in knowing I did in fact trust him and wanting to prove it to him. "Okay," I agreed confidently. 

Even though I was sure the surprise wasn't a car, I still couldn't help looking for shiny new cars with a bow on them. When I felt a little too far from Yoongi for comfort, I glanced back at him. He watched me patiently, nodding each time when I needed assurance. I'd done this at least three times. On the third, while facing forward again someone had appeared. My breath hitched, eyes ready to fall out of their sockets. No, it can't be!

There in an oversized hoodie and baggy jeans was my best friend! An uncontrolled yelp echoed through the garage as I dashed and leapt into his arms. Tears falling.

"Hoseok-ah!" Weeping, I dug my face into his shoulder before bombarding him with questions. "How are you here? Why are you here? Did you sneak out again? Does your uncle know?"

"He knows, he knows," he reassured with comforting pats. "Don't worry, they're not looking for me anymore." Hoseok pulled away to look at me then ran his hands through my hair with an approving smile, "you cut your hair!"

I smiled through my tears. "I was gonna send you pictures once you had a phone."

"I guess there's no need now," he smiled.

"But wait, wait, wait, hold on." My mind was racing. "What do you mean they're not looking for you anymore? Are you sure? How did that happen?" Hoseok paused to think of what to say. His smile transformed. Like it was just a left over reaction as his mind moved to another thought. He nodded towards Yoongi with a look that was a mix of both aggravation and admiration. I followed his gaze to him who was now leaning on the railing, absently rubbing the same spot on his chest again. "I don't know the details. I just know it was all him."

We both stared over at Yoongi. This time a wave of warmth coursing through me. "Yoongi brought you back?"

"Yep," Hoseok sighed. "Best not to press him on the details though. He'd probably burst in flames if everyone found out what a softie he is." We both laughed.

After updating him on Jin and the spa, I told him all about graduation. I also decided to give him the chocolate Minho gave me. After all he would've been a graduate today too. When it was time to go, Hoseok promised I'd see him again soon. I was tempted to doubt him, but I agreed I'd be different now. I needed to have faith in my friends. So, with the biggest bear hug we both parted ways, however difficult.

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