23. The Last Flame

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Before the building even came into view, an orangey glow flickered above the trees. A whimper escaped my trembling lips. Water pooled over my eyes.

Then finally the flames.

I bit down on my tongue to avoid anymore sounds of distress but my hands still shook. I needed to stay calm. As far as I could tell, it was only the main building with the lobby that was engulfed. It would've been dad at the front desk.

When the car stopped I got out, almost stumbling to the ground. I forgot about my sprained foot. As I fetched the crutches, Hoseok scanned the area. Likely looking for anyone to explain what happened. I hobbled onto the lawn, searching the flames for the worst news.

A sound then came from the side toward the rec room doors. A woman and man assisted another man towards us. The glow of the fire revealed their faces. Mom and another employee escorting dad. Half of his face covered in dripping scarlet.

The hair on my neck stood upright. My heart dove into a pit of dispair.

"APPA! EOMMA!" I cried. I started towards them, but Hoseok raised a hand.

"Wait here!" Hoseok ran to take my mother's place. Leaving him to it, she came and brought me into her arms. My tears poured into her shoulder. Only faint hints of lavender were left in her smoke soaked cardigan.

"The fire department and ambulance are on their way. Everyone's evacuating to the back of the property. Everything's going to be fine." She assured me. "Minju's okay at home?"

I nodded.

A familiar grunt reached us. My dad told the two guys to let him sit and rest. I knelt down next to him while my mom sent away the other man to tend to their customers. "Appa," I wept. "Are you okay?"

The man nodded. "I'm okay. I'm okay."

"What happened?"

"Some crazy kids just went ballistic all of a sudden! They threw a crowbar into the window. I thought it was just one so I went out to confront him." He shook his head. "But there were three of them."

I looked at Hoseok who must've had the same thought. Both our minds were spinning.


Next, as though summoned by the thought of his name, a figure with blonde hair stepped out of the shadows. The fire's reflection pranced over his eyes. Lips stretched into a tight grin, which formed a light dent in his smug chin. Two other figures followed his lead.

"These punks- YA!" My dad yelled. My mom and I steadied his heated movements. "DON'T THINK YOU WON'T GET REPORTED FOR THIS JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE KIDS!"

The group of boys only laughed. They looked especially ecstatic to see that I and Hoseok were here to witness their handy work. My hands squeezed into fists. The muscles in my jaw tensed so much, my teeth ached.

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