16. The Game

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The handsome boy smiled shyly before drawing the first card. His eyes showed shock as he read what was on the card. "Hmm, who should I ask? Hoseok-shi!"

"Oh?" Hoseok was surprised.

Jimin gave him a look of mischief. Everyone leaned in with interest. "How many bones have you broken?" Immediately, everyone groaned while Jimin laughed at our reactions. The blonde boy had us all sitting at the edge of our seats.

"Ah, I thought it was something too personal!" Hoseok chuckled. "Hmm, broken bones? Maybe about...two times."

"Hm? Really?" I replied. "I didn't know that. How?"

Hoseok laughed. "I was really clumsy as a kid."

"Okay, I'm next!" Minju picked up a card. "Ooh! This is a good one. Jimin oppa, when was the last time you kissed someone?"

"Ah, so I get the first hard question." Jimin chuckled nervously. He thought for a few seconds. I wasn't sure if it was to create an air of anticipation or if he really needed time to remember. I thought his cheeks turned slightly pink but I wasn't sure. "Two months ago? It was sort of unexpected, to be honest."

The girls giggled among themselves while Jimin's sweet smile pushed his eyes shut. Seokjin seemed to be surprised but Jimin only shrugged as though he didn't know what to tell him. I guess guys are shy about that stuff too.

The next person was Hyeji who picked up either a pass or block card. No one knew which one. She kept her cards well hidden. My turn. I looked at the next card and breathed a sigh of relief.

 "It says: what's your favorite dessert?"

"Who are you asking?"

"Oh, um...Seokjin-shi!" I smiled at him.

It only took him a moment to answer, "brownies and ice cream. With whipped cream and marshmallows on top." He gave me a knowing smile. A smile forced its way on my face as he referenced our date.

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"Oh nice!" Hoseok said before picking the next card. He read it then bellowed a sharp laugh before his face suddenly played a serious look. "Minju-ya. Do you love me?" He extended a finger heart to her with an aegyo face. "Ohhh~?" Everyone laughed.

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