24. Recovery

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A shiny black vehicle stopped in front of a large building. Like most structures, the windows made up most of the exterior's look. Its color depended upon the weather and angle one stood at due to the reflection. At the angle Mr. Kim stood when he'd been assisted out of the car, it looked to be a dreary obsidian hue. Mr. Jung joined him at his side along with four other men to escort the CEO inside his place of work. 

Once in the comfort of his office he asked his head of security to give an update on his family.

"Your son has just been dropped off at school. Mrs. Kim accompanied him for the ride and is on her way back home."

Mr. Kim hissed. "I told you to make sure she doesn't leave the house. They almost had her the last time she went out."

"She was very persistent about seeing Seokjin off. In turn I sent an additional car of security to follow closely. They'll ensure she makes it back safely." Kwangsoo explained calmly. This relaxed his employer and old friend slightly.

The CEO sighed and addressed the stack of mail he'd neglected for the past couple of days. And just like at home, he received another envelope without a return address. "Another one." Kwangsoo stepped in closer to see. But when he opened the envelope, there was no paper. Only burnt bits and ash."



The following days after the fire were long. At first I thought it'd be nice since Namjoon and Jungkook weren't around. Despite that being a win, school was just boring.

Yurim stayed home in recovery. I only knew that because I spoke to her mom when I came to the Spa to pick up my bike. Even Hoseok and Seokjin's attendance seemed sporadic. I found it weird that the three of them always seemed to be tied together these days. Even when they were apart. It was like one of life's constant reminders that I was an outsider.

I even started going to class everyday to help keep my mind busy. Rather than just waiting to see her when she clearly wasn't there. It was weird. Everyday that passed brought the memory of us at the police station closer to an expiration. Each time I look back, the more her face blurs from memory. I was forgetting the way she looked, smelled, and the sound of her voice when she said my name. All but one thing.

The hug.

I could remember that much very well.

There's only two people who had ever given me that same feeling when they held me. And although they've been gone for years, I never forgot it. That's how I know I'll never forget hers either.

My vision went black. The hands over my eyes were cold and in no way a mystery of who they belonged to.

"Guess who it is, Yoon-yoon!" They sang. I let out a clear sigh of irritation, I tossed the boy's delicate hands away. My peaceful lunch period on the roof now ruined. I turned to head back inside.

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