9. Like an Arrow

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It was the worst part of the day. PE.

I didn't dislike the class, it was more due to the hot days lately that made it nearly unbearable. And it didn't help that Hoseok's classes went through sudden changes. He broke the news to me this morning when he didn't come with me to our first class. Or what used to be our first class. He still hadn't given me a clear reason as to why his classes changed so suddenly. Now I could only see my best friend during lunch break.

Warm sweat dripped and plastered my hair to the outer ends of my face. My ponytail slightly coming apart. We just finished with warm up laps around the field. Today's activity was going to be archery. I liked archery.

Seven stations of bows and arrows stood in a line. Each one had its own target located fifty feet in the distance. There were about twenty students. Miss Kwon split every one up into groups of three. She assigned me the station in the very middle. Not too long after, I met my two teammates. A girl named, Kim Sooah and a boy, Shin Minho.

Sooah seemed disappointed about being separated from her friends and looked at me as though it was my fault. Our history isn't as bumpy as others. In fact I never understood why she disliked me. We barely talked enough for me to say something offensive. Despite our limited encounters there were times when she'd whisper to her friends about me. Judging by their reactions it didn't seem likely that she was offering compliments.

Minho on the other hand didn't seem to care either way. He was too busy talking to his friend who was placed at the station next to us. Which was better than the looks of scorn I was getting from Sooah.

The first thing Miss Kwon did was teach everyone the basics--how to hold the bow, nocking arrows, aiming, etc. Most of us had done this in previous years but our teacher insured us that a review was merely the school's requirements for the sake of safety. It had been a couple years since I myself had picked up a bow.

Each member had their chance to shoot the five arrows provided, retrieved them, and traded places with the next person in line. Sooah assumed her place in the front of the line. Minho blinked at her before shrugging it off. He then turned to me to offer the second place in line but I kindly refused. I didn't think Sooah would've liked it if I stood close to her.

Sooah's shots varied from outside the outer line to the inner blue ring. She claimed that one arrow had just made the red, but me and Minho shared a look of lenient skepticism. Minho had the best shots varying from the inner black ring to the inner red ring which was very close to the yellow. I clapped, fascinated. When he retrieved the arrows and returned them, it was my turn.

Miss Kwon called up the next line of archers up to their bows. I picked up the one balancing on the stand in front of me. It was a white compound bow with red designs around it except for the brand which was printed in black bold letters. After nocking my first arrow I drew the string back to my chin. I close my left eye and lined up the tip and the center of the target.

I released the arrow, which made a loud, CHOOK!

It landed in the grass in font of the target.

Sooah scoffed. "She's so embarrassing," she mumbled. I rolled my eyes and ignored her. Instead I nocked my next arrow.

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