34. Moment of Truth

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The twentieth minute was approaching rapidly and Jin could barely stay up right. His head hung low, hair drenched in sweat and covering his bruised face. The sticky coat of blood on my knuckles made me more and more nauseous. Guilt overwhelmed me. Not only would Jin never forgive me - and for good reason, but I feared Yurim would never see me the same way again if she found out about this mess.

She's safe and far away from here, I repeated in my head like a mantra. I needed at least one thought to draw strength from. Something to keep me focused.

"You..." Jin rasped, his voice barely a whisper. I looked around to check if anyone else was aware of his speaking. They weren't. Everyone in the building lost interest in the scheduled beat downs more than ten minutes ago. Jei was droning on about how he was planning on spending his share of the money when he got it. "You can't stay by her side and theirs."

My jaw clenched at his words. I imagined a life where I traded her for the animals that surrounded us. Unfortunately, one had few choices when it came to surviving around this bunch. And besides, after this it was possible she wouldn't want to be around me anyway. The thought made my chest feel hollow.

"I know," I said.

In the middle of Jei's arrogant monologue, one of his friends whispered something in his ear bringing a wide grin to his face. "Already? Where did the time go? Little Jin here almost had an extended vacation. In fact," the unhinged man leaned down into the camera's view, "I think he's had it too easy up until now. I'm thinking maybe that's why you obviously don't understand the seriousness of this situation Mr. Kim. What do you think, shall I give this thing a go?" Jei slapped the metal pipe provokingly into his palms, a laughed danced in his throat.

A new bead of sweat dripped down my face.

It's been too long. Is it too late? Is this it?

"It's a high amount, these things take time and multiple steps of security!" Mr. Kim defended.

"Ah, he's so cute," Jei chuckled, "he thinks we care. Ya, Seokjin-ah, any last words before I splatter your brains on the ground?"

Was he serious? It wasn't smart to kill the one thing that will get him what he wants, but Jei wasn't smart. He was power hungry and right now he was running on a high.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" The CEO's voice came through the phone speakers garbled.

An intense beating drummed against my chest, my head was spinning. Jin's breathing became labored - his teeth bared, preparing for what was coming. What do I do? If I go against him now on my own, I'm dead. Jei flipped the pipe in his hand before winding it back - its trajectory aimed for the back of Jin's head.


I had just bent my legs to spring into action when a shout came from outside. Everyone's heads turned, including Jei. His eyes were wide with paranoia. "W-what was that?"

A sound of a crash followed then a revving engine.

"YA!" Jei screamed at the room of mobsters. "GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND SEE WHAT'S GOING ON!"

The men inside rushed out of the garage door but was met with a flurry of masked people in black. All skilled and organized. They didn't look like police. They spilled in like a flock of angry bees. Some wore black masks while others - those with female builds - wore purple masks. I sighed in relief. Better late than never.

"Aishibal!" Jei growled then grabbed one if his men by the shirt, "get my car and meet me at the back!" The towering gangster strutted toward a nearby opponent, forgetting about me and Jin. Quickly, I fished out a knife from my pocket and cut the rope from his hands.

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