"We fought him a few months back. We were actually losing, and Danielle shot him." I said.

"I'm just saying, if I was there, things would've been differently." Haruto boasted, still looking at his screen.

"How did he find us?" Eunchae asked.

"Y/n and their friends are famous, idiot!" Chaewon said. "Besides, what do you think happens when you kill the leader of a hitman organisation?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot I'm with a bunch of idols.. can I get an autograph?!" Eunchae's happy virus kicked in.

"It's my fault guys, I'll take responsibility." I said.

"No, you're not beating him on your own." Chaewon said. "We'll figure it out together,"

"Oh yeah? And how? He's got a plan against us, we're down by 6, and they've got weapons!" Haruto said.

"Here's our plan so far," I said. "One of us will go to Wonyoung's, and see what's going on, the rest of us will stay and wait in case they pull an attack on us."

"What about the girls?" Haruto said.

"I'm sure they'll be fine, they'll be surrounded by other bodyguards." I said.

"What a lame plan." Chaewon said. "We should just go over there and beat everyone's ass right now."

"And let Wonyoung's mother die? No way." I said. "Don't act out. Remember our size."

"Who's going?" Eunchae asked.

We all looked around the room at each other.

"I'll go then." Eunchae gulped.

"No way! That's dangerous! I'll go." Chaewon volunteered.

"No, you guys are way more valuable than I am, you can protect the others better. Let me go." Eunchae insisted.


"Stop. I'm going, and that's final." Eunchae said.

"Fine.. but don't get hurt, they spot you, and you run. Got it?" Chaewon said.

"I will." Eunchae said.

"Wait." I said. "Have this."

I handed her my gun. I only used it in dire situations.

"Only if you really have to." I said.

"G-got it." There was a little bit of fear in her eyes.

"She's scared." Haruto said. "Eunchae, just don't get caught, alright?"

"I know!" She said, leaving.

We sat in silence. Chaewon was tapping her foot and biting her lip.

"No, fuck it, I'm going after her." She said.

"Stay!" I commanded.

She didn't listen. I stood up and blocked the door. She ran right into my chest.

"Ow- what's your issue?" She complained. "Let me through!"

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