Ruby said trying to comfort her little brother. Astral smiled at her attempt and nodded. "Um! Of course, I'm grateful and happy!"

"See! So you also manage to accomplish Mama's wish! We all did! Right, Nii-chan!" She turned to Aqua for some support. Aqua gave a slight nod while sipping his coffee. "Don't stress your mind too much on this. You're doing fine."

A small comfort but enough to put his heart at ease. Astra was not that upset or disappointed about that thing. He just wants some attention.

Or want to create a distraction.

"Back to the topic. What Drama Nii-chan will be playing in?" Ruby asks excitedly. How can she not? Her twins finally make a comeback. To be honest, she thought, Aqua had lost all his interest in acting.

"It was Sweet Today. And adaption from a popular manga. It's a new drama series produced by the internet TV station. It has been released and had 3 episodes by now. The complete series is going to have 6 episodes."

"Oh! Do you mean the one I found on Aqua's bed? It was good!"

"Don't go stealing my thing like that!"

"What role though?" She ignores him.

"A stalker."

"Eeeeeh... Oh well! You suit the character. I mean, you got this villainous vibe on you" Ruby wrinkled her fingers and made a scary face. Astra giggles at her antics.

"It's an online drama. We can watch it now if you want." Miyako shows them the film. Astral jogged around to her with excitement. "Let's watch it!".

She clicks on the play button and waits for it to be displayed. Both Aqua and Astra came closer to watch.

Aroma Kana appears on the screen. "Waah! It's Loli-senpai!!"

。                   。               。 🦉


Miyako shut the laptop as the three tried to process what they had just seen.

"エエエエッ!! 何これ!? (Eeeeeeh! What the heck is this?!) Is that even in the manga?!" Ruby shouted in disbelief. Her face is mixed with horrified, disgust and disappointment. Astra smiled awkwardly and scratched his cheek.

"It was...something?" He was left with no words to describe this.

Miyako glanced away. No word came out of her mouth. Aqua disappeared and reappeared again with a manga in his hand. He flips through the book and checks each scene to confirm his eyes on what he just saw. Ruby snatched the book from his hand and flipped through it scanning every manga panel.

"It's not even in the manga. And what with the sudden cut of the scene? Nothing is making sense!"

"They were trying to squeeze 14 volumes of manga into 3 episodes. Of course, they need to cut and create a new scene to make it... watchable..."

"They also focus more on characters that do not even exist in the manga..."

"Some change to make it better....?" Astra tried to reason out. Or maybe just to reason out with himself. Cause he is also still in disbelief.

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