I closed my eyes and opened them again but not to the hospital, but to a dark big room filled with doctors with big needles and other tools.

My breathing started to rise again, looking at the people with devious smiles, and needles in their hands. "She's awake, now it's time to start testing." One of the doctors said.

I screamed as the needles stuck into my body. I don't know what was in the needles but it hurt like hell. I keep crying and screaming and moving my body around trying to stop them.

Then it hit me, where's Rachel and Gar, are they doing this to them too. That's when I got pissed, so mad that my eyes turned red and I could feel my hands starting to heat up.

I threw a fireball towards one of the carts they had in the room, and a few more, hitting nurses, doctors and the walls. "Now!" One of the doctors yelled before sticking a huge, more painful needle into my arm.

I screamed so loud, Russia could hear me. I cried even more locking eyes with the doctors. We kept like that until the door slammed open, revealing, my friends, scratch that my family.

Dick started to fight the men and women, knocking them all out. I didn't entirely pay attention as my vision was getting more blurry.

I woke up again to Dick shaking me awake. I breathed louder and faster, scared it was the doctors again.

"Hey, you're okay, it's just us." Rachel said who was on the other side of me holding my hand, but backed away after a second, she looked like she almost had tears in her eyes.

She saw me, my past, what just happened, my horrible life. Dick helped me out of the chair I was in, guiding me out of the room with the others following and the other lady who I assumed to be Rachel's mother.

We got out to the hallway but were stopped in our tracks when men started to approach us. "There they are. All right.You stay where you are." the men yelled from across the hallway.

Dick stepped in front of all of us, letting go of my arm that he was helping keep standing with. I wobbled for a moment but got my balance back. Dick put his hand out to stop us from moving forward. "I got this." He said as he pulled a metal pipe out of the wall.

He walked over to the men and started to fight them with the pipe. I watched him beat the shit out of them. I looked down every few seconds to block out the men's blood everywhere, I did not need any more of that shit tonight.

After Dick finished fighting we walked closer to him. We stopped right in front of him to hear what he had to say next. "Get out of here." He demanded all of us.

Rachel led the way with me and Kory in the back. We followed but were stopped by Dick. "Wait. Listen." He said looking around at the pipes.

"You guys got enough? All we need is a spark." Dick added, I looked at him with a smirk knowing what he wants to do.

We all stood there for a moment but our attention was disturbed by a woman running down the hall towards us. We all gave her a look, or at least I did, as she ran back where she came from.

"We're doing this?" Kory questioned. "Yes we are, I want to burn this hell hole to the ground." I responded with a smirk. Dick gave me a calm down and are you okay kind of face. I just smiled as he turned his head towards a puddle on the ground.

He stared there for a second and dropped the pipe before he spoke. "It all has to end."

He looked back at the both of us. "All right, then." Kory said, agreeing to Dick's idea. He ran over to where the other went.

Me and Kory locked eyes nodding at each other before facing the other hallway, getting ready to blow it up.

We both shot fire to the other end causing an explosion to happen. We both walked out of the building in a boss kind of walk towards the others. I still had a smile and was happy about exploding the place where the people tortured me and my family.

We both stood next to the others watching the burning building. We high fived each other looking at the fire in front of us. I was brought to the thought of my home, and how that was set on fire. I killed those people like how my parents died. I stood there with a sad looking face on.

We stayed there for a moment in silence. Kory looked over to me, "Didn't know you were that powerful? Most of this was you." She questioned.

I looked over to her, "I didn't know either." I spoke as I looked back over to the building.

She then left to find Dick as we all still stayed there before I spoke again. "Everyone okay?" I asked, "Yeah, we're fine." Gar answered.

"By the way, this is my mom." Rachel added pointing to the other lady, "Incase you didn't get that idea." She joked.

Kory and Dick walked back over to us moving our attention to them. "Time to go." Kory said as she led the way to the car. 

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