Chapter 22

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It was around 3 am when I woke up screaming. It was the same nightmare, my parents death, the constant mean comments from them.

Ever since they tested me in the asylum, I've been different, my powers seem different, I have constant nightmares. What the hell did they do to me?

I must have screamed loud enough for Jason to hear since he came running in my room with a worried face. "What the hell happened?"

I looked up at him from where I was laying on the bed, "Nothing it's fine, just a nightmare."

He took a seat on the edge of the bed as I sat up on the opposite side. "Em, you were screaming bloody murder and you look like you are about to break down. You are not fine." He reassured me.

I moved closer to him, starting to tear up but not wanting to express my emotions. "You're right. I'm not fine." I cried. He gave me a hug and keep us like that as I continued to talk.

"That night when I didn't answer your phone. It wasn't some small issue we had, umm." I started. Jason let go of the hug staring into my eyes, "You don't have to talk if you don't want to but I promise I will listen."

I looked down at the bed playing with my fingers, anxious to tell him, but there was a part of me that really trusted him and knew he wouldn't question or judge anything I say.

I started to explain the whole story, and he just listened. Every time I would look up he would be staring at me with worry but with love.

"So, I don't know, my powers have been different, like more powerful and the constant voices. I miss them, Jay. I will never know how they feel about it. I can't go talk to them and ask them if they hate me. All I get are these voices saying, I'm not worth it, I should have died, I'm the reason they died." I cried, he gave me another hug but this one felt different, it felt more loving.

"And the worst part is, I am starting to believe them." I cried even more. We hugged for what felt like eternity and it was nice, he actually listened.

He pulled away from the hug locking eyes with me again. I looked down at my hand trying not to cry even more. He put his hand on my chin bringing my face up with his.

We were an inch away from each other, and the only thing I thought about was kissing him, not crying, just loving him.

I kept this thought until he spoke again. "I want you to know something. You are worth it, you belong here and believe me I need you, and you are perfect. I lov-" He paused, a part of me thought of what he was going to say but then pushed it aside thinking it was just me.

I gave him a small smile, someone wanted me here, someone needed me. "You should head back to sleep, I want to show you around Gotham tomorrow." He said switching the topic.

He got up from the bed ready to leave before he stopped. "Can, Can you stay in here tonight, maybe the nightmares will go away?" I asked, kinda regretting it though.

"Yea, you just seem to like me too much to get rid of me." He joked before hopping in bed next to me. I rolled my eyes as I layed back in bed.

We both fell asleep easily. I woke up without having another nightmare to see I was wrapped in Jason's arms. I looked over to him to see that he was awake as well.

"Do you have your arms wrapped around me Todd." I joked. "Maybe I do, Jones." He spoke back getting out of bed.

I reached my arms out trying to get him back into the bed. "5 more minutes." I complained. "Nope, we have a big day ahead of us, get changed." He smiled as he left the room.

I rolled my eyes, getting out of the bed. I got changed and walked down the confusing stairs trying to find Jason in the huge ass mansion.

I reached the kitchen to see him cooking breakfast. "Took you long enough." He called out serving out two plates. "Have you seen this place, its huge as fuck, how do you never get lost."

"I do, but I have lived here for a while, so I know my way around the place." Jason spoke about getting two classes of water. "Since when do you cook, you don't seem to be the cooking type." I said making him turn around in offense.

"Why do you get that impression?" He questioned. "I don't know, I mean you live in a mansion, with lots of money and someone who cooks and cleans for you. Put the pieces together Todd."

He sat next to me on the island still offended, "Alfred taught me a little cooking and I watched him plenty of times to know how to cook the basics. Plus when he and Bruce are out for League stuff, I am on my own. So yes Jones I know how to cook." He crossed his arms making a good point and knowing it.

"Fine you win this argument, but I will get you next time." I joked before we both ate our breakfast.

After our long silence, Jason broke it. "You seem to be enjoying my breakfast."

"No, I actually think it's terrible, but I am starving so I will eat any sort of trash." I joked, turning my head to face him. "Wow, that broke my heart, good thing I poisoned it." He laughed.

We both laughed for a while making random jokes but stopping when we locked eyes again. "So where are you taking me today?" I asked, moving closer towards his face.

"To see Gotham, some friends and maybe party later." He answered by moving closer, making us less than an inch apart.

"Let's go see Gotham then." I spoke, breaking our almost kiss. Did I regret speaking yes, but he doesn't like me right? So why would I kiss him and ruin our friendship.

We cleaned up our kitchen, and headed out the door. We walked over to his motorcycle which was outside of the house. "Your motorcycle really." I said, crossing my hands.

"Oh, come on. It's easier to get around and plus you have to admit you like holding on to my waist." He said putting on his helmet starting the engine.

I rolled my eyes, getting on behind him and putting on my helmet as well. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he drove off. He was right! 

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