Chapter 18

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We all went to our own rooms and headed to bed once we got back to the tower.

When I got to my room I sat on my bed and saw that my phone was next to me. Dick must have put it there, I thought.

I saw there were many messages from Jason asking where I was, how I was and why I am not answering.

I didn't feel like explaining it to him, so I would just keep it simple.

                                                                                                              I'm okay, rough night, but I am fine. Just

                                                                                                                       tired so can we talk in the morning?

He answered fast, so I guess he was still awake, it was late but he might have been at patrol.

Okay, as long as you are alright. Goodnight!


For the first time in my life in a while at least, I wanted to say something else other than goodnight.

No, No, No. I can't think this way, what if he doesn't like me that way and plus I love you never ends well with me, so no don't think this way. I thought.

I laid back in the bed and rolled over to the side to put my phone on the side table and shut my eyes.

"You're such a disappointment. You will never be good enough. You killed us!" I heard my parents' voices shout in my head as I jumped out from the bed, breathing heavily.

"Great, the nightmares are back." I said to myself. When my parents first passed away, I had nightmares for years because of it. They were just about that night, but recently I met Rachel, Kory, Gar, Dick, and Jason. They seemed to only come once in a while and not every night, but now they're back thanks to those stupid doctors.

I laid in bed for what felt like years, trying to get rest but kept hearing the voices in my head every time I shut my eyes.

After laying down for a few hours and getting a total of 2 hours of sleep that night, I decided to get up. I heard footsteps walking around the tower, so at least one person was up.

I left my room and walked into the dinning room, to see everyone eating breakfast at the table. "Hey, how are you doing?" Dick asked me.

"Tired but fine." I said with a fake smile. I sat down next to Rachel who seemed a little sad. "What's going on?" I asked the group.

"Rachel's mom has a house in Ohio that could be our new secret base that we're all going to go to." Gar said joyfully, "Except Dick." Rachel said with an attitude.

I looked over to Dick whose smile faded. "Well not to make you anymore pissed, Rachel, but I can't go either." I spoke.

Rachel turned her head extremely fast along with everyone else bringing the attention to me. "Why?" Rachel asked.

"I have something to do back in Detroit. I promise I will be back, but I need to be alone right now." I frowned. "Okay, but you have to be quick." Gar said, trying to lighten the mood.

"We are all here now, so let's enjoy breakfast made by our personal chefs." Kory joked. "You hungry, Em?" Dick asked me.

"No, I'm fine, not really that hungry." I fake smiled, "I will just have some water." I added as I got up from my seat to grab some water.

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