Chapter 7

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After a while of running me and Rachel ended up stopping for a minute to catch our breath.

That was until we both heard a growl from inside the forest. I grabbed Rachel and pulled her behind me protecting me.

A green tiger? I thought there was a green tiger growling at us going around in a circle, so I kept Rachel close. All of a sudden, the tiger walked over to the bushes and then the growling stopped.

I would have run away but before I could I heard grunting, for a person it sounded like. The boy from the arcade suddenly popped up from the bushes where the tiger was.

"What the..." I started before Rachel interrupted me, "How..How did you–?"

"Don't worry. I don't bite." Gar said. Rachel told me his name when we were on our way to the sisters, as I was teasing her about the boy she was talking to.

We both started in shock and confusion as the boy walked closer to us. "Well, come on." Gar said as he took Rachel's hand as she grabbed mine.

I had a little smirk on my grin as we ran into the woods farther. Gar seemed really nice and normal besides the whole turning into a green tiger thing.

After running for a while again, we stopped at a little house. "It's not too far from here. We'll just warm up a bit." Gar said as I started a little fire with my hands giving us some warmth.

"What's not far from here?" I asked when I finished making the fire, "Where are we going?" Rachel added.

"Someplace you can chill," Gar said as he walked over to Rachel and me near the fire.

"I can't chill. You don't understand. I'm changing, and I can feel it. And it's getting worse.''Rachel said as I rubbed her back for comfort.

"Well, no worse than the crew I live with. Trust me." Gar said as he added more sticks to the fire. I gave him a confused look as he continued, ignoring my confusion and many questions about to come out of my mouth. "We're special, too."

"I'm not special. I'm dangerous. You saw what I did back there. I–" Rachel started, "And you saw what I did back there." Gar interrupted.

"Did you not see what i also did, okay, we all did weird stuff back there." I added as I gave her a comforting smile.

"You're not scared of me, right?" Gar asked the both of us. I nodded my head no. I wasn't scared of him, he seemed like a really sweet kid with a special ability, like Rachel.

"No. No. I blew the roof off a church. And you're still helping me so.."Rachel said. "Rachel, I helped you blow that roof off too, don't blame only yourself, okay, those ladies deserved a hole in their roof." I said jokingly trying to lighten the mood

"I got green hair." Gar jokes, "Hey, for the record I like your green hair, and your blue hair Rachel, love it." I said as I smiled

"Freaks all around, I guess." Gar said and chuckled until there was a gunshot in the distance. I got up from my seat ready to fight the person in case they were here for Rachel or Gar or even me.

We all walked outside with myself in the lead protecting the kids from the person, we all ran to where the gunshot was shot at.

"Rachel." I yelled as she ran in front of the deer the men were trying to kill. "Leave it alone" she yelled at the two men. "What the hell?" one of the men said, "Where'd you come from?" the other said

"Leave it alone" she snapped again. I ran over to her while Gar ran off, probably to turn into a tiger I assumed. "Go home, girl. Go on. Get it!" the men joked.

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