Chapter 24

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I held my hand on my forehead in pain from my hangover. I got out of bed to see Jason not there.

I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower and hopefully relieved some of my headache.

"Good Morning sleepy head." Jason said as I walked into the kitchen. "Don't even, Todd"

"Is that my sweatshirt?" Jason asked as I pulled the hood of his sweatshirt over my head. "Maybe." I smiled, looking down but slow enough to see Jason also smiling. "Anyways, what is the famous Chef Jason making for breakfast." I asked, switching the conversation.

"Smoothies, to help with your hangover and I am tired too, so I don't want to cook anything crazy anyway." He said handing me my smoothie and taking a seat next to me at the island. "Speaking of hangover, did I do anything last night. I do this thing where I like to go crazy and just speak whatever I am thinking, it can be a blessing and a curse." I asked taking a sip of my smoothie.

"No, just laughing at every word I said but no nothing weird." Jason hesitated. I knew he was lying but whatever it was he didn't want to talk about it so I wouldn't pressure him to say anything right now at least.

We sat there for a minute drinking our smoothies and sitting in comfortable silence, yes it was kinda awkward but it felt nice like it was normal. "Did you ever talk to Molly after we left?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Yea I called her this morning, she said she had fun with a certain someone and had something to do so we didn't talk much but she said she got home safe, and that's all that matters." He smiled. "She's a good friend Jay, and you seem to care about her a lot." I spoke, making him smile even more.

"You have this thing where you seem like a cold hearted bitch on the outside." I started, "Hey, is this supposed to be a compliment or what!" Jason said, offended.

"I'm not done." I added. "But after someone gets to know you, you have this sweet, caring and not to mention hilarious side on the inside." I joked, blushing a little. "So there's your compliment, Todd."

"You forgot to mention sexy." He joked and started to laugh but stopped when I shoved him in the shoulder. I rolled my eyes at his comment and we started to shove each other until I fell off the chair and onto the ground.

"Sorry about that," Jason said, getting out of his seat and helping me up. I thanked him and got up from the ground with his help. "What are we doing today?" I asked, finishing my smoothie.

"I was thinking about sitting here and doing nothing." He suggested also finishing his smoothie. "So what I am hearing is a movie day." I spoke. He nodded his head as I smiled, excited to spend a day doing whatever I wanted, which was doing nothing.

We both cleaned up the kitchen and headed over to the living room and picked a movie to watch.

We spend most of the day watching comedies and just laughing our heads off the whole time. It was amazing. I am pretty sure I fell asleep because when I woke up I was in a different position as I was before, my head resting on Jason's shoulder and was covered with a blanket.

"Oh shit, sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep on you." I apologized, getting up from my position and sitting up right. "You're fine, it was kinda nice, and plus you needed the sleep." Jason said, pausing the movie on the tv.

I put my hand on top of my head trying to stop the horrible pain, worse than the headache from the hangover. I covered my head almost crying from the pain, it was whatever was happening in my head plus my headache from earlier.

"Hangover?" Jason asked me. "No, it's something different." I said, almost ready to scream but then the headache stopped. "That was weird."

"Are you sure you are okay?" Jason asked, still concerned. "Yea, surprisingly I am fine, it was weird. Maybe it has something to do with my hangover and my powers but whatever it is I am glad it is gone." Jason looked still a little concerned but I just gave him a smile and rubbed his shoulder to calm him down, letting him know I was okay.

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