Chapter 43

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I don't remember anything. One minute I was being choked to death by Deathstroke and the next the world went black.

I kept having the same nightmare over and over again, me almost dying and hearing Jason yell my name, or the entire fight with Deathstroke.

It was horrible, I couldn't wake up even if I tried, it was like my body was trying to torture me and make me relive one of the worst days of my life.

I couldn't tell if I was dead or unconscious, part of me wanted me dead because then I wouldn't have to wake up and find out Jason most likely is dead or having to live with the trauma.

I had the same thing happen when my parents died, I didn't fall asleep for what felt like months, everytime I closed my eyes I just saw them, dead. I would much rather have died than live with the guilt of living.

But yet here I am 5 years later reliving almost the same event, so staying asleep was the best thing right now, the nightmares were terrible but waking up to not see Jason by my side was worst.

I opened my eyes to see everyone there but Rachel and Jason. "Good morning sleepy head." Hank joked before Dawn elbowed him in the hip.

"H-How long was I out for?" I stuttered while still getting used to the brightness. "About 1 hour." Donna answered.

I sat up more, getting in a more comfortable position, "Did I die?" I asked, feeling my scar on my back. "For a second, you flatlined for a little but we brought you back, that's all that matters right now." Dick hesitated, putting his head down, not keeping eye contact with me.

"No" I argued, getting the attention from everyone in the room, "No?" Dawn questioned, looking as confused as the others.

"No, what matters right now is where the hell is Jason?" I yelled looking at Gar who put his head down trying to not look at me.

I got up from my bed since no one answered, and started to leave the room. "Where the hell are you going?" Hank asked, seeming a little mad at me just walking away.

"Finding Jason because none of you can seem to find him. You are all sitting here watching me as I am perfectly fine as you all can tell, while Jason could be fucking dead right now." I yelled, leaving and slamming the door behind me.

What am I doing? I am nothing to Deathstroke. He could kill me in an instant or even worse kill Jason in front of me if he's still alive.

I stopped right in front of the elevator contemplating my decision of leaving. When Dick walked behind me. "Why did you go?" He asked, making me turn around to look him in the eyes.

"To prove to you and the others, to make sure we weren't what you saw us as, rejects." I argued, getting complete silence from Dick. "If you saw as anything more than that, why didn't you let us go with you?" I added, really wanting to know the answer.

"It was too dangerous for you guys, it was old Titans business." Dick answered, "Fuck that. Jason was Robin, he worked with Batman. I was the savior of Detroit, do you know many people I have helped. And we have both seen shit, if anything you seem to trust Gar and Rachel more than us."

"We can both easily move to Gotham again, and just forget about this "hero" shit you are lying to us about." I continued to argue, not getting anything out of Dick.

"I wanted to use my powers to help people, like the Titans. Instead I am here wasting them. So I wanted to go out there and prove that these powers mean something because without them I am nothing. My parents died because of these powers so if I am just Ember Jones, that means their death was worthless. And now Jason is gone because of me. So there's your answer Dick." I added before walking past Dick and seeing everyone else there listening in.

I walked even faster to my room slamming my door. I will wait and let them go and try to help Jason but if he isn't here in 1 hour, then it's my turn, but in the meantime I might as well try and find Jason on my own.

The old Titans eventually left to go find Jason, so I decided to go to the computer room and see where they were trying to go, while finding out my own information.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you." Rose spoke making her way next to me at the computer.

"Thanks." I said, giving her a quick glance. "I heard what you said earlier." She seemed a little sympathetic.

"Hey, well now you know everything about me." I joked while still trying to look for Jason on the screen but getting nothing. "Don't blame yourself, he is the one that did this and dragged you alone probably, knowing him." She tried to be nice about it.

"No he didn't, I wanted to go and if it wasn't for your dad by the way, we wouldn't even be in this situation." I argued. Pissed off that finding Jason wasn't getting anywhere and the fact that Rose was blaming Jason for this. "My dad?" she questioned, reminding me that I haven't told anyone Deathstroke was the one who stabbed me.

"Shit." I said leaving the room, hopefully they would only run into Dr. Light right now and when they get back I would tell them.

Yes, I forgot to say anything, but then again I was stabbed and choked, how did they not think that Dr. Light didn't do this, I mean the man plays with lights.

I ended up going to the training room to buy time, which worked because 30 minutes later they came back. They met with me in the training room, surprising me.

But even more surprising Kory was with them. "Kory?" I asked before giving her a hug not caring about the others in the room.

I pulled away from the hug standing back in front of everyone. "Oh, umm...I forgot to tell you, you aren't only going against Dr. Light, Deathstroke was the one who tried to kill me." I quickly said feeling a little bad for keeping that from them.

"We know, we got a phone call from him, that's why we need you out actually" Dick said walking closer to me and pushing me out of the way. "What? I am not leaving." I demanded.

"Yes you are, we need to talk privately without you and the other 3 out there. And thanks for letting us know that, by the way, really would have helped earlier." Hank argued, looking really pissed off.

"I'm sorry, I was bleeding to death at the time, and I would have figured you wouldn't believe that Dr. Light stabbed me, I mean the man plays with lights." I argued back before getting the doors shut in my face.

I pointed the middle fingers at them before leaving to go to the computer room and listen in. I guess the others had the same idea.

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