Chapter 21

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Oliver showed me around his room, showing the cars themed room. We went to Mia's room, which had an animal theme room.

Sophia came into the room. "Hey sorry to ruin the fun, but it's Mia's nap time."

We all looked over to Mia who was on the floor starting to shut her eyes a little. "Okay, me and Oliver will go to his room and play for a little while." I said as I led Oliver to his room.

We played with his cars for a little while and he talked about what he has been doing since I left. "You know who I haven't seen, Fire Girl, she has been missing for a while now." He said, which caught my attention more than the other stories he told.

"Maybe she has been taking a break, she might be doing bigger superhero things." I spoke. I haven't told anyone my secret, not even his family.

"Maybe you're right, she is really cool, maybe she's working with Batman." Oliver said as he continued playing with his cars. I laughed at his comment until my phone started to ring.

"Who is it?" Oliver questioned, "My friend that I'm seeing tomorrow." I answered. I picked up the phone and answered it.

"Hey." I said, "Hi, how are you?" Jason asked, I looked over to Oliver who was trying to listen into our conversation.

"Good, just hanging out with Oliver, the kid I told you I was seeing today." I answered. "Put me on speaker, I want to talk to him." Jason joked.

I set the phone to the ground and turned on the speaker. "Hi Oliver, I'm Jason. Ember's friend." He said.

"Are you her boyfriend?" Oliver questioned. I coughed, shocked at what he asked. "No, unless she wants me to be, I am available." Jason joked. I just rolled my eyes at his joke.

"I give you permission." Oliver said seriously, "For what?" I asked, "To date you, I give him permission." Oliver answered.

"Sorry, I forgot you need permission, for my dating life." I joked. I could hear Jason laughing through the phone.

We all talked for a while, Oliver talking about me and himself and his life of course. "Yeah, and we met at a bridge, she was about to jump but I stopped her and I am very glad I did because she became a part of our family." Oliver added to his story.

"Well, I am glad you were there." Jason spoke moving on from what Oliver said, but now that he knew, he definitely would talk about it when we see each other again.

"Okay, I will let you two go now. When do you want to leave?" Jason asked, switching the conversation. "Umm, after dinner, so like 7 ish." I answered, "Bye Jay."

"Bye, Jason." Oliver yelled. "Bye Em and Oliver." Jason spoke as he hung up the phone.

"You like him don't you." Oliver questioned, catching my attention as I looked up from my phone confused.

"No, I don't, he is just a friend." I answered. "Nope, I saw you blushing the entire conversation." Oliver added.

I looked at him in defeat. "Let's clean up, I am sure dinner is almost ready." I said as we both cleaned up the mess in the room.

Was Oliver right? Of course he was, even a 7 year old can see it. The only question is, does Jason like me?

As we finished cleaning Sophia called us, "Kids, time for dinner, and Em can you get Mia from her room."

"Yup, be down in a second." I called out as I went to get Mia from her room. We headed down the stairs and to the dining room and sat down.

Oliver sat next to me with Mia in her high chair next to me. Sophia and Liam are opposite of us. Dinner was amazing, it was a sort of chicken dish that she would always make us.

Sophia always made the best food, and she was really talented, even though I never lived with them I would come over a bunch of times throughout the week. They were like my family and I loved them like one.

"So where are you going?" Liam asked after our long silence. "I am going to visit a friend for a little while." I answered by taking another bite.

"She is visiting her boyfriend, Jason." Oliver joked, "He's not my boyfriend, he is just my friend that happens to be a boy." I corrected it.

"I would disagree with that honey, have you seen how red your cheeks are?" Sophia disagreed.

"Look, maybe I like him but I don't know if he likes me." I added, still blushing. "Em, how did you plan this visit?" Liam asked, confusing me, "Umm, I asked if I could stay at his place, and he said yes." I answered.

"He likes you." Liam added as he took a bite of his chicken. "Enough talk about me, what is going on with you guys." I asked, switching the topic.

And that's what we talked about for almost another hour. We finished dinner and it was around 7 pm. I helped clean up dinner and gather my things, which wasn't much, but Oliver went through some of my stuff in my bag, so I cleaned it up.

I walked down the stairs and saw everyone gathered around the door ready to say our goodbyes.

I walked up to Liam and gave him a hug. "Love you sweetie, remember you are amazing." He said to me, "Love you too, have fun with the little monkeys." I joked as I pulled away from the hug.

I then hugged Sophia, "Love you honey, have fun with your boyfriend." She joked, "I will, love you too." I shook my head. I picked up Oliver and hugged tighter then his parents, I could hear him starting to tear up.

"I promise I will come back soon, I love you." I said still hugging Oliver. "I love you too, have fun on your adventures."

We hugged for another minute before I picked up Mia and put down Oliver. "Bye munchkin, love you." I said booping her nose.

I put her down and headed towards the door. I turned around and gave a huge group hug to them. We all stayed like that for a minute before I left the house. "Bye, Love you all." I said waving goodbye.

I texted Jason I was on my way to the plane. He answered immediately and told me it was ready.

I took an uber to the plane and flew to Gotham. It wasn't a long flight but I was tired so I took a quick nap. I figured I would get better sleep and the manor.

My nap wasn't long because of the nightmares but I got enough to be able to seem sort of alive.

When I arrived in Gotham, Jason was there with his motorcycle and drove me to the manor.

"You look tired." Jason spoke as we arrived at the huge mansion, "Yea, exhausted." I joked as I followed him inside.

"We get this whole place to ourselves." Jason said as he spread his arms showing off the huge place. We walked up the stairs to a bunch of rooms. He led me to a nice room, way bigger than any room I have ever had.

"My room is across the hall, call if you need me." Jason pointed as he threw my bag on to the bed. He left the room, leaving me alone in a huge ass room.

I threw myself on the huge bed and fell asleep, the bed was so comfy and I was tired so I drifted off to sleep very easily.

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