Chapter 27

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After our little talk we all got back into the car and drove to wherever Dick was taking us.

It was the longest and craziest drive so far. The constant asking if we were there yet, the fighting and the random dad jokes every 5 seconds. It might have been terrible for Dick or anyone else, but I loved it.

I felt like we were just normal kids with normal lives. Sadly that wasn't true though.

"It's not a demotion, per se. More like a temporary relocation." Jason added to the conversation we were having. "Ugh. Whatever." Dick, where are we going?" Rachel asked, switching the conversation.

"I thought it was obvious. I mean, this bridge has been in a ton of movies." Dick answered, causing me to roll my eyes. "Yeah, no duh Grayson, but where exactly are we going?" I said annoyed, mostly just tired from the long car ride excited to just get some sleep.

"You'll see." Dick smiled, "God, I hate surprises." Jason spoke, I nodded my head in agreement and just stared out through the windows, watching the view.

We drove for a little longer until we pulled up to a tower, again. We rode up the elevator excited but also all tired from the long drive.

There were no words, this was huge and so pretty. I just walked in with a huge smile on my face, excited for this new chapter.

"Holy shit" I said before I ran off with Jason after we got the approval from Dick to walk around.

We ended up going to a training room, maybe I can finally learn to control my powers better, see this was already better than before. "I am so gonna beat your ass in here." Jason said in a cocky tone.

"Oh, you are so on Todd." I smiled, we both walked back to the main room after looking around for a little bit. We met up with the others and looked at the amazing view we had.

"I get the big room" Jason yelled out. "Keep dreaming." Rachel said before walking away to her room.

I finally found a room for myself, it wasn't two big but it was way bigger than my room from before. Annoyingly, Jason got the room right across from me, but if we're being honest it was nice to have him close if I needed him.

"You had to choose the room closest to me." I questioned as I leaned on the door of his new room watching him unpack his bags. "Actually you chose the room near me, I was here first." He quickly shot back, turning his body to face mine.

"Fine, we will settle this in the training room." I crossed my arms walking towards the room from before. I waited for a few minutes before Jason came into the room.

"Took you long enough, stalling maybe." I joked, "Never, let's begin." Jason spoke back before through a punch towards me.

It was like this for a few minutes, punching and dodging each other until Jason finally got the advantage and shoved me to the ground.

I quickly moved my feet to hit his, making him fall on top of me, not part of my plan. He put his hands on the ground next to me to stop him from fully falling on top of me. "Looks like I won-" He started before I flipped him over causing me to be on top.

"What was that you were saying?" I questioned, he just smiled. "Impressed, I will say, but don't get too cocky Jones." He finally spoke.

We were there for what felt like eternity, we were inches apart. Instead of thinking about beating him or winning, all I thought was kissing him.

But what if he didn't like me that way, I can't ruin what we already had, we would be living together for a while. So ruining what we had could cause tension or even one of us leaving which I don't want.

Ignoring all of those thoughts I just focused on the important one, kissing him. Sadly we were interrupted by the one and only Dick.

"Take this kissing session somewhere else, not where we are gonna train everyday." Dick spoke, making both of us pull away and get up on our feet.

"Okay, ignoring that. I wanted to talk to you both. I already talked to Rachel and Gar." Dick started. "I am gonna teach you all better skills in fighting and you will help each other and train with each other, hopefully everyday."

We both rolled our eyes at the every day part. "Jason and Em, I need your help in training them. Em you could maybe help Rachel with her powers and maybe she can help you with yours, in controlling them and getting a better understanding of them. And Jason, you have the history of fighting with Batman, so I could use your help with the rest of the group." Dick added.

"Okay, deal. But it can't be everyday. If we need a break we get one, understand." I confidently said walking closer to Dick. "Fine, but it can't be everyday you need a break."

"Deal." I shook his hand before he left the room leaving both me and Jason alone. "That was hot." Jason joked.

I rolled my eyes, turning back to face him. "What was, me telling Dick what to do?" I questioned, as he stepped closer to me causing us to go back to being inches apart.

"Maybe." He joked before moving around me and leaving the room.

I waited a minute before leaving myself and heading to the bathroom and taking a shower.

It was around dinner time and everyone seemed to be on their own tonight so I just made a quick meal and headed off to bed.

I didn't fall asleep or at least I tried not to, I stayed up reading whatever books I could find, unpack and just look up stuff on the internet about San Francisco.

I eventually headed back to the kitchen for a midnight snack, not expecting to see anyone.

"Can't sleep," someone said, making me jump from my spot. "Seriously." I complained as I picked up my chips.

"Sorry," Jason added, helping me clean the mess. "And yes, new place you know." I smiled, throwing away the crumbs. "I know you're lying, you just don't want to sleep." He spoke surprising me on how he knew.

"How-" I started before getting interrupted. "You want me to stay with you, look you didn't have any nightmares whenever we stayed together in the manor. And you need your beauty sleep, so let's go to bed." Jason spoke, dragging me to my room.

"You sure, I don't want to make you feel like you need to."I said, opening my door. "It's fine, look you get nightmares a lot right?" I just nodded my head. "We have had a rough past 24 hours, I will stay with you for as long as you need and when you feel okay to be on your own, I will leave." He put his hands on my shoulders and led me to the bed.

We both got into the bed staying apart and on our own sides of the bed. It was nice, having someone care for me and not think I was weird with these nightmares. I tried going to bed earlier but then got awoken when I pictured my nightmare from the house from earlier.

But having Jason stay with me, I felt protected like all those dumb fake nightmares pushed away.

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