Chapter 41

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"Hey, I'm sorry they didn't let you go with them." I opened the door to Jason's room, seeing him on the bed, out of his robin suit.

"Why the hell are we here training every day, if they won't let us fight the bad guys." Jason argued, I took a seat next to him moving closer to him.

"I promise in the future they will let you go on bigger fights. You are amazing at fighting, Jay. Don't beat yourself up because they didn't let you go on one fight." I smiled holding his face to face mine.

"How did I get so lucky?" Jason questioned, confusing me a little, "What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean look at you, you are perfect." He gave me a small kiss on the lips, "Oh believe me honey I am not perfect." I joked before getting up from my seat.

I walked over to the door, before turning to face Jason. "I am going to go train, do you want to join?" I asked, "No, I am going to stay here for a little." He answered.

I left the room and headed over to the training room for a little. I practiced manipulating fire for a little, and did a few little training activities I would normally do.

It distracted me, training, it brought me to this different state of mind where I am learning to control myself and my powers. Becoming a better, stronger version of the little girl I used to be. I hated how we didn't get to go on missions with the others, I wanted to prove to the others and myself that I am capable of being a Titan.

After a while I left the room to find Jason also leaving his, Dick and the others just got back and there was no sign of Dr. Light, so I guess it went badly. I met up with Jason, and Rachel and Gar weren't too far behind us.

"Where is Dr. Light?" Jason jokingly asked. "Jason" Rachel spoke, I turned around to look at her, still sad about what she said, not mad just sad.

She turned to face the ground, not looking me in the eye at all. I felt bad I will admit, but she needed to apologize, right?

I turned back to face Dick who was all alone. "A little stealth job on a guy who shoots what, head lamps? I mean, half the city's on fire and still no sign of Dr. Light." Jason smiled, I mean he did have a point, I thought to myself.

"Not the time, Jason" Dick whispered, sounding a little annoyed, "Look, I don't take orders from you anymore, man. I do what I want, when I want." Jason argued, stepping closer to Dick, leaving only an inch apart from each other.

Dick tried to walk away but was stopped by Jason, "Get out of my way." Dick angrily spoke. "I think you got it all wrong. You're in my way." Jason spoke back, almost shoving him out of his way.

A part of me wanted to step in between them and stop this but they needed this argument, they both have this grudge against each other that needs to stop, this whole place has bad tension, Rose was right.

"Yeah, and maybe you need to see a retirement package, huh?" Jason asked, before turning to us and making a fist out of his hand, I almost stepped closer to him to stop him but decided against it.

"Don't" Dick said as Jason turned to face him. Jason went to punch Dick but ended up being pushed onto the ground. I stepped a few inches closer before Dick decided to help him, "Shit. Here" Dick helped Jason off the ground but Jason rejected it.

Jason shoved Dick out of his way and walked out of the room. I stepped closer to Dick not as close as Jason was, but enough for him to see my anger.

"What?" Dick asked, still pissed off. "Maybe you should have taken the girl who manipulates fire to help you stop Dr. Light from burning the city. I know you're mad at yourself for losing, but you have to understand that it isn't just you four fighting the bad guys here. You have us four, and last I checked we are pretty powerful together." I argued looking back at Rachel and Gar who looked a little awkward there but happy from my compliment.

"So, stop shoving us to the ground, literally. And except the fact that it isn't just you and anymore, you have a team, a family." I added before leaving the room in the same direction Jason went.

I ended up going to my room and getting changed out of my gym clothes. I sat on my bed reading one of the books, when I was interrupted by a knock on the door. It was Rachel.

"Hey?" I questioned as I opened the door. "Before you kick me out, I just wanted to say how sorry I am. What I said was horrible, and I know you will never not hear it, but I just wanted to let you know how sorry I-" She apologized, before getting interrupted by a hug from me.

"I know you are, yes it did hurt but I know you didn't mean any of it. I forgive you. I also think we need less tension in the building." I joked, earning a small laugh from Rachel.

"Thank you for forgiving me. I would apologize to Jason but I think I need some time and I don't think he wants an apology from me right now." She joked, giving me another hug, which I loved.

"Speaking of Jason, I am going to go find him actually. Thank you for your apology Rach." I smiled before I closed my door and left Rachel there.

I finally found Jason and Gar in the computer room. "Hey, what are you two up to?" I asked, looking at whatever they were looking up on the computer. "We were trying to find Dr Light, and we actually found him" Gar smiled, turning his chair he was sitting in around.

"OMG, that's amazing, are we getting everyone together to find him." I asked, really excited there might be a chance they let us go on this mission.

"Nope" Jason smiled, moving closer to me, "We are going alone, just the 3 of us." Jason added, grabbing my shoulders trying to get me to go with him.

"What?" Gar questioned, looking like he wasn't told this, "Come one guys, this could be our way to prove to the others. Please" Jason begged the both of us.

"Fine." I agreed, wanting a chance to prove to them and even myself that I got this, we got this.

"Gar?" I asked, looking over at his direction. "Fine, one quick look and then we get the others." Gar agreed, getting up from his seat and walking closer to me and Jason. "Deal," Jason smiled, excited for our little adventure.

I was a little scared, yes, but I knew we got this and us 3 alone are pretty strong and powerful, plus what's the worst that can happen, I mean the guy shoots head lamps, and I can manipulate fire. I would beat him in a fight easily. 

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