Chapter 16

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We left the building and went to what I figured was Clay's apartment. I sat in the other room leaving the two alone for some privacy.

"Hey, we are leaving." Dick told me after he got off the phone with someone. I got up from my seat on the couch. I passed by the room Clay was in and told him to feel better before I left following Dick out of the apartment.

I fell asleep in the car getting at least some rest before we got to the building.

When we walked into the building no one was there so I assumed they were asleep. "You should get some rest." Dick said to me.

"Yea, you should too." I added before we both walked off to our own rooms. I walked into my room and saw something on the bed.

I picked it up and laughed at the phone in my hand. "Jason Todd, you idiot."

I sat down on the bed and opened the phone, scrolling through and finding that he put his number on the phone.

This was my first phone since my parents died. I meant there were the random ones the foster care system had or the homes I stayed in had but this was mine.

I looked around on the bed to see a note that must have been next to the phone. Here just in case you need someone to talk to, if Dick is busy being a Dick.

I laughed and fell back before falling asleep again, in an actual bed for the first time in forever.

I woke up and checked the time to see that it was late and everyone probably already had breakfast, so I just decided to skip it.

I got into the shower and dressed with the same clothes I had on before, since I didn't have anything else to wear.

I looked over to my new phone to see a good morning text from Jason. I texted back and then set my phone back down.

I picked up my phone again and left my room and snuck over to the room where the many computers were. I sat on the chair and was about to type the password but forgot Jason was the only one who knew it.

I looked over at my phone on the desk and asked Jason what the password was.

                                                                                                 Hey, do you have the password
for the computer?


                                                                                              I need to look up something for
Dick and everyone.
                                                                                             And I know you won't
give Dick the password.
Yea, your right, here:*********

                                                                                           Thank you!

No problem, babe.

I'll leave you to it, don't do anything crazy stupid.

                                       I promise, talk to you soon!

I laughed as I set my phone down and typed in the password.

I have to at least see, right? It can't be anything bad. I thought as I searched up my name. I stared at the screen, seeing many photos and sites on me and my family.

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