Chapter 23

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Jason knocked on the front door of an apartment. "What's your friend's name?" I asked as we waited for someone to open the door.

"Molly, and she doesn't know about the secret cave." Jason said, turning his body to face mine. "Okay, thanks for the heads up. How come you haven't told her?" I asked.

"I don't want to drag her into that life, it's nice to have someone outside of superhero life." He answered, "I get that, I haven't told Oliver's family anything and I don't plan to."

After standing there for a while, the door finally opened to a girl who was about our age. "Hi, you must be Ember, Jason has told me a lot about you, I'm Molly." She greeted me.

"He talks about me." I joked looking at Jason who seemed to be a little embarrassed. I laughed as we were invited into the apartment.

We sat down in the living room, chatting about their past and friendship. And I explained how we knew each other without giving away our secret life.

We were there for a few hours chatting away and laughing. It was nice, I finally think I have a friend who likes me for me and not my powers.

"I don't know Jay, I think me and Molly are better friends." I said, wrapping my arm around Molly pulling her into a side hug. "She's right Jason, you are now the oddball." Molly agreed.

Jason sighed in defeat but seemed to have a small smile appear. "You guys should show me around Gotham and find a place to eat, I am starving." I said switching the conversation.

"She's right, I am starving, let's go." Molly agreed, grabbing my arm leading me out the door. I shrugged my shoulders at Jason who was confused.

We walked over to a cafe not too far from the apartment. We each ordered our late lunch and we talked even more, laughing at every joke. For those few minutes of laughing I felt like I was normal, like I had friends and just a normal life overall.

"You know we should take her to that club down the street that we would always go to." Molly said to Jason. "Oh, yea forgot about that place."

"The bouncer there loves us; he lets us in every time without needing ID. I think he thinks we're cool, or he just doesn't care." Jason added turning to face me who was sitting next to him.

"Okay, then after lunch we will head back to the manor and get ready and meet Molly." I suggested. They both nodded their heads in agreement.

We finished our meal and headed back to Molly's apartment and rode back to the manor on Jason's motorcycle.

"You think Bruce has any dresses for me?" I asked as we walked into the mansion. "I'm sure there's a dress in one of the guest rooms from someone." Jason answered.

As Jason got ready I walked around the mansion looking for a dress. Finally I found one in one of the guest rooms. It was pretty blue and fit surprisingly well.

I finished getting ready, kind of rushing since Jason was calling for me for a while now. I walked down the stairs to Jason who was turned back from me.

He turned around at the sound of my heels. "Wow, you loo- look beautiful, Em." He spoke, blushing really hard. "Not too bad yourself Jay." I said blushing myself.

I walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek making him turn into a tomato. "Now, let's go, we don't want to keep Molly waiting."

I led the way out of the manor and towards his motorcycle. We arrived at the club, I haven't been to one of these in a while or at all. I would pass by them in Detroit but never went in.

Molly was waiting at the front door for us. She waved us over, "You look beautiful, Ember."

"So do you Molly." She grabbed my arm and led me into the club with Jason following us.

The club wasn't too packed but was still very busy. We all ordered drinks and stayed at the bar for a little to get ourselves pumped up.

I could see Molly looking over at a girl on the dance floor, obviously checking her out. "You should go over there." I said, shoving her side. "You think she likes me." Molly asked.

"Uh, duh. She is checking you out right now." Jason added. I nodded my head in agreement. Molly soon left us and I could see her talking to the girl and dancing off to somewhere else.

"Well, we won't be seeing her for a while." I joked while taking another sip from my drink. "Come on, it's just the two of us, let's dance." I said reaching my hand out to Jason's.

"I can't and won't dance." Jason corrected. "Yea, me neither but its better that way." I joked pulling him on to the dance floor.

We dance around, jumping up and down and doing the most random and dumbest dances possible.

As I was dancing Jason took my hands and pulled me closer and swayed with the music with me an inch apart from each other.

We stayed like that, my mind blanked all I could think about was him and his beautiful blue eyes, his perfect smile, just the man I was slowly falling in love with, the guy I wanted to kiss so bad, but knew I couldn't, cause I didn't want to ruin this, what we had, over a dumb kiss.

"I thought you couldn't dance." I joked trying to bring myself back into reality. "Maybe I lied." He smiled,"You're drunk aren't you."

"No" I said, offended by his comment. He was right though. My eyes started to turn red, as my anger started to build, plus the amount of alcohol in my body affecting them.

"Yes you are, let's get you out of here before you set this place on fire." He said as he pulled me out of the club. "What about Molly?" I questioned.

"I will text her later, first let's worry about you. I am sure she is fine and busy anyways." He answered by grabbing the helmets and helping me on the bike.

Jason carried me bridal style up to my room laying me on the bed. I pulled him by the collar closer to my face ready to kiss him but was stopped when he pulled away.

"Kiss me, you know you want to." I spoke. "No, I am not gonna kiss you when you are drunk, you probably won't remember it and plus this isn't you, so if I kiss you and you don't like me that way I will think about that kiss for forever, and know it meant nothing." He said with a sad expression.

"Thank you." I said as he started to leave the room. "For what?" Jason asked.

"For being you and helping me out of that club. You know you are amazing and not to mention sexy in that suit." I drunkenly joked. He smiled before turning back to face the door and leave.

"Wait, can you stay? I didn't have any nightmares when you stayed with me last night, and I don't know if my future self would love to wake up to a nightmare drunk." I smiled, hopefully convincing him enough.

He turned back to face me and layed next to me on the bed. "Of course, I will stay. I would never leave you." He spoke looking down at me where I was on his chest fast asleep.


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