Chapter 9

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Gar, Rachel, the Chief and I went back down to the basement where we helped the girl from earlier.

I stood next to Gar as he got things together to start experimenting on Rachel. "Does it have to be so tight?" I heard Rachel say, I turned my head around still not liking the whole situation.

I walked over to the end of the bed she was laying on keeping my eyes on Rachel to make sure she was okay, crossing my arms. I could feel Chief's eyes lay on me but I chose to ignore it.

He moved his attention back to Rachel, "Yes. This ability you possess is likely tied to your nervous system. Trying to analyze it could trigger some physical movements. I don't want you getting hurt."

"Chief, are you sure about this?" Gar asked, which grabbed my attention back to him and then to Chiefs, "This is a relatively simple procedure given what I've dealt with before. Bring me my case."

I moved my attention back to Gar, "Why? What are you gonna do?" still keeping my eyes on Gar confused on why he seemed really scared and worried than before. Did he know something?

"You are here to assist me, Garfield, not to question me. Understood?" The Chief said with a demanding voice, I stared at the Chief with a slight death stare not liking his attitude at the moment.

"Yeah, but I–" Gar started, "Do what I ask. For her. Please?" Chief interrupted.

I would've intervened but it seemed like this was more personal than it seemed to be. I just locked eyes with Rachel making sure she seemed okay. I don't know if it was my brain or what but it didn't seem like she was okay, she looked like she was starting to get really scared.

Before I knew it Gar handed Chief the case. Gar didn't seem happy about this situation either, no one did but the Chief. "Thank you, my boy." Chief said with a different tone than before.

Chief took the case and opened it revealing a ton of needles. I took a step back away from the bed, I didn't want to walk away from Rachel but I could feel my heart start pounding even more when he took out one of the huge needs.

"No. No, wait, wait." I heard Rachel yell bringing my back into reality. "I don't wanna do this anymore." I blocked out my feelings, walking back to the bed more angry than ever.

"This is for your own good, my child. I promise." Chief said as he put some sort of liquid into the needle "She said she doesn't want to do this." I yelled at the Chief, he seemed to ignore my comment.

"Let me up. Please. Gar.. Ember.." Rachel begged. We both stepped closer to Rachel to let her free. "Sit down, Garfield.." Chief demanded in an even angrier tone, "Ember, sit down." Chief said as he looked in my direction.

I just gave him a death stare, "No" I demanded back, I told him my eyes were pure red at this point considering how angry I was.

"No?" He questioned back, "She doesn't want to do this anymore. Were gonna unstrap her."Gar added on to the conversation.

"Leave this room. Now. Both of you." Chief said back to us. "Chief...let her go." Gar growed as I turned to look back at him and see his eyes turn green.

"Are you deaf? We said let her go. Now." I said with an even angrier tone than before. I heard Gar growl again angrier. "We mean it"

"Gar" Rachel called out. Gar was shot at with some sort of sleeping needle and now he was unconscious on the floor. Any other situation I would have checked on him but I needed Rachel unstrapped and Chief on the floor unconscious as well, first.

I turned to look back at the Chief. "Oh now you're in trouble, Doc-tor" I said with a lot of hate. I walked up to Chief putting my hands around his neck starting to make him unconscious at the least.

"Let her go before I burn you." I added but stopped thinking about hurting him when I realized something went into my stomach. "Listen to me next time," he joked back.

I looked down to see a needle in my stomach, almost like the one he gave Gar. I looked back at him and then at Rachel giving her a sorry look, I couldn't save her again. What was wrong with me, I should have been smarter and better.

That was the last thing I saw before I passed out onto the floor seeing only black.

I woke up but not in the room, I was in my house, with my family. I think it was a memory or something because I saw myself there too with both my parents.

They were running around having a dance party that we normally have on friday nights with a pizza on the coffee table and our favorite song playing. Weirdly enough we all had sort of the same music taste, who knew a 13 year old girl wouldn't listen to the same music her parents listen to.

We had a playlist called Dance Party Friday where we had all of our favorite songs in it, rock, pop, hip-hop and even some country ones we liked. We all didn't have a favorite genre of music, we just liked random ones from random artists.

I walked away from the dancing in the living room to the kitchen to see what day it was trying to remember the dream more vividly. It was August 22, 2013. The day I lost everything, none of the people dancing in the room had a clue what would happen in a few hours. These were the last memories I had with my parents.

I couldn't save them, I couldn't save anyone, so why was I here saving people I know I can't save.

I woke up for real this time to Dick shaking me awake. My heart was moving so fast and I could see Dick's worried face. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked, "Yea, sorry bad dream. Where's Rachel and Gar? Are they okay?" I said panicking even more.

"Yes they're fine" Dick said as he pointed over to where Rachel was helping Gar up from the ground. I looked back over to Dick as he put his hand out to help me up. I accepted, standing back on my feet wobbling a bit but then getting my balance back.

We all walked back to the front of the house. Half way through the house I saw Kory and I said hello as I followed her and the rest of the group out to the car.

Me, Dick, Kory and Rachel walked over to the car to give some privacy and alone time as Gar said his goodbyes to his family. I sat in the back behind Dick as Rachel and Gar sat next to me with Kory in the passenger seat.

I laid my head down on the side of the car trying to get some sleep but couldn't because I was scared I would get the same dream again, so I just rested my head as Dick drove away from the home starting our next road trip.

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