I followed Mr. Buff upstairs and we walked through another corridor then reached a maid's quarters or something. The room contains two steel framed single beds with cream colored bedding. On the one bed there was a set of maid's clothes with shoes and toiletries.

Mr. Buff left the room and a mature lady probably in her late fifties with a chubby figure in a maid's outfit entered the room. "Hi dear, my name is Greta" she holds her hand out to me.

I gave her an awkward smile "Hi, I am Olivia" I say as she gives me a smile back accompanied with an adoring look. She is short in stature, sporting a head full of grey hair, long pointy nose. She doesn't look Spanish. I wonder how she ended up here.

"Dear, you can go into that bathroom and take a quick shower to freshen up because you probably feel like taking one by now" she says giving me a shy glance. She's probably embarrassed on my behalf, but I really do not care, so I just respond with a "thank you" followed with a smile. She seems like a nice woman, but I still don't trust her.

Once the water cascades down my body and the cold from that basement seeps out of my bones, I immediately feel like a human being again. I quickly washed my hair and washed off all the soap that didn't smell too nice, then made my way out of the shower and got dressed. I made sure to tuck the phone in position again, tied my hair into a neat bun and brushed my teeth. The outfit was just the right size with the dress coming to my knees and not short at all. Wouldn't want these morons to see anything they are not supposed to or get any ideas.

I enter the room and a tray is left on the bed with a steaming cup of coffee that I won't be able to drink. The metallic taste in my mouth because of the pregnancy is the main cause for that even though I still love the smell of coffee. I eat the bagel with cheese after quickly dunking the coffee in the bathroom sink. I don't want them knowing of my pregnancy because it would be more harmful to my baby and myself than anything else. They might just try to harm me to get to Domenico.

I exit the bedroom and Mr. Buff is standing guard at the door like the good old soldier he is. I try to give him some of his own medicine and stood there staring at him. He led the way, and I followed him until we reached the kitchen.

There were three ladies busy preparing food. All three of their heads snapped in my direction. Two of them looks my age or could be a little older and the other lady looks to be in her forties.

"Hi, I am Dina" the older woman says "that is Alice" she points to the girl with the pitch-black hair behind the pot who nods in my direction "and that is Gail" she points to the girl mixing some ingredients in a bowl.

From the three of them, Gail did not look so happy to see me and constantly glanced in my direction rolling her eyes. I don't know what I did to her, but I pay her no mind. Dina asked me to start peeling the potatoes in preparation for lunch later today as they already served breakfast while I was busy taking a shower.

"Hi, I'm Olivia" I say with a smile while looking at all of them and started with the potatoes. I was peeling so many potatoes, I wonder who will be attending. I decided to ask, so I clear my throat "Dina, why so many potatoes? Are you guys expecting guests?" I ask awaiting her response.

"No, we normally prepare meals for all the men" she said, and I decide to question further "gosh! How many men are there that would need to eat these many potatoes?" I giggle as if I was making a joke out of it. They are about twenty men on the compound" she says smiling at my comment. She seems nice.

After the potatoes and other food preparations I had to help Greta with the cleaning. By the time lunch rolled around, I was tired but had to keep up appearances. I ate a baked potato and a piece of chicken and some salads. As I was working around the house being followed by Mr. Buff, I take in my environment and observe.

They have twenty people here exactly and it seems they work from this property but in an adjacent building next door. I need to get my phone out and give it a try again, so I ask Mr. buff for bathroom privileges. Once he allowed me to, I went to the one in the bedroom I used previously. As I entered the bathroom, I took out the phone and switch it on.

I decided to play it safe and send a message to Luca. His response was immediately.

Me: Luca we were captured by the Spanish Mafia.

Luca: We know, we're working on a way to get you out of there. Are you guys, ok?

Me: Domenico is injured and won't be able to make it out of here without help. Please come soon.

Luca: We will attack tonight. Be ready and stay safe!!!! See you soon.

As I deleted our chat history, I turn to look at the figure standing in my side vision "What the fuck are you doing" the Gail bitch asked with her high-pitched voice. She grabbed the phone out of my hand and looked at it "who the fuck gave you a phone?" she asks giving me a questioning look.

I stood there mute thinking of how I will be getting myself out of this shit.

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