Modern headcannon - female navi (kids)

Start from the beginning

Girl Scouts or gymnastics classes

Learning to ride a big kid bike or roller skating

Best friends - her classmates

No part time job - mommy little helper around the house

Help around the house - dish duty, setting the table, and helping mom grocery shopping, cleaning up her toys, collecting the mail

Her bed time 8:00 on weekdays and 9:30 son the weekends

Hobbies - arts/craft, tea parties, dress up, and playing with her toys, exploring

Jake x reader x Tsu'tey


Honor roll stundent

Class President and captain of some teams

Has his driver license

Best friends - aonung, Rotxo, spider

Part time job - young co leader at the care he works at

Helping around the house - cooking, cleaning, watching his younger siblings, and running errands for his parents

His curfew is 9:00 on the weekdays and 10:30 on weekends

Hobbies - archery, martial arts, art and music, and cooking, hangout with his family and friends


A and B student

Crystal/cave explorer club and ego friendly committee

Learning to drive

Best friends - spider, Rotxo, tsyeria,

Part time job - eco friendly store

Helping around the house - cleanings, plants care, baby sister, and reminder

Her curfew is 9:00 on the weekdays and 10:30 on weekends

Hobbies - herbalist, crystal collecting, and bookworm, writter, and up cycling old stuff


A/B/C student

Extremes sports club and park-core

Learning to drive

Best friends - tsyeria, spider, andRotxo, Ao'nung

Part time job - shoe store

Helping around the house - babysitting, cleaning, taking out the trash, collect the laundry dryer towels and rugs, car washing

His curfew is 9:00 on the weekdays and 10:30 on weekends

Hobbies - sports fan, stunts watching and doing, collecting shoes, skateboarding, and pranksters


A/b/c student

Soccer and rocking climbing team

Learning to drive

Best friends - spider, Rotox, and Iwu 

Part time job - rocking climbing center

Helping around the house - swiping, vacuuming, and dish duty, taking out the trash, setting up
The table

His curfew is 9:00 on the weekdays and 10:30 on weekends

Hobbies - rocking climbing, camping, canoeing, and being with his loved ones, training


Third grade - elementary school or primary school

Pottery/arts classes and gymnastics

Learning to ride a big kid bike

Best friends - her classmates

No part time job - she her parents helper around the house

Helping around the house - setting the table, bring in the mail, dish duty, and helper

Her bed time 8:00 on weekdays and 9:30 son the weekends

Hobbies - pottery, coloring/painting, tea parties, dress up, and playing with her toys

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