Roles reversed - navi child (1)

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There were another clan around pandora and it was always custom on helping each other out when someone has calmed Uturu, it was the way of eywa but this didn't happen that much on pandora. As there was not that much conflict here on pandora, but when the cal for refuge happened it had to be answered and respected for anyone from any clan here on your home. Growing up you had never seen this happen, as it was rare or you were to young to remember it.

Jake x neytrio

Y/n " ......." you were walking around the village after getting done with some of your task, now you were looking for more reason to be helpful.

Mo'at " my granddaughter come here"

Y/n " yes grandmother"

Mo'at " I need you to colletc some herbs for me I can't leave as I'm need here to teach the younger healer and tend to the sick"

Y/n " yes grandmother"

Mo'at " good" you had grabbed your basket and your bow just in case you came across some trouble, you were almost half away gone when you ran into your dads.

Jake " where are you going young lady"

Y/n " herbs collecting for grandmother she asked you can ask her"

Neytrio " no you are ...."

Jake " remember the marks and your way home"

Y/n "yes dad I do"

Jake " have that communion device as well"

Y/n " yes I will call if I need help or see something new"

Jake " good be home before dark if you are not"

Y/n " then you are sending Neteyam and his friends after me I know"

Jake " good go have some fun and explore"

Y/n " father can I ..."

Neytrio " go but if anything happen call us right away young lady"

Y/n " yes sir" you soon had taken off into the forest as your father watch Jake was fine with it and was happy for you but Neytiro was worried for you, as you were small and had the talent of drawing attention by creatures and other navi. Which either of them had a answer for when it came to their youngest and baby of the family.

An hour later

Y/n " okay I have these herbs for healing cuts, some of headache, and other for pain"

Y/n " ummm"

???? " we are almost there everyone... we can rest here for a while" you had heard someone walking you thought it was something from the village or one of the humans, but you looked down to see navi from the ocean as they were a different shade of blue.

????? " are we sure the forest clan will help us father"

???? " yes my son everything will be okay"

???? " my tonowair me and the healers are running out of herbs for the sick and hurt"

???? " don't worry ronal we will get help for them" you could see there were sick and hurt navi and you couldn't leave them alone, you made you way towards the groups.

???? " hello"

Y/n " hello I can see you all are from the ocean"

Tonowari  " yes we are young one we are looking for the Omaticaya Clan and the other forest clans"

Y/n " I can help you I'm from the Omaticaya Clan and I can also help you with your sick and injured as well"

???? " should we trust her Tonowari look at her hands she has demon blood"

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