Special bond - female navi

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When it came to being a mother there was a special bond between and mother and her children when they were so small, that will grow over the years as the child grew up. Mother will have enough time to bond with their kids since they day they were born, showing their kids that they can trust their mother. When you had become a mother you soon kenw what that bond felt like, as now you had a child who was in your care for the rest of their life and making sure the baby or babies are happy.

Y/n " ......" you are looking down at your son neteyam as he was in your arms since the day of his birth he had become your whole world, when you looked at him he made you smile and feel happy he was so small but mighty.

Y/n " oh ma neteyam what I'm going to ever do with you ... you are the sons of two mighty warriors and leaders" neteyam had give you a gummy smile as you said that to him, you soon kissed his forehead making the baby laugh even more.

Y/n " ma neteyam you bring me happiness when I was in a time of sorrow"

??? " here I thought we bought your happiness my love"

Y/n " my husbands welcome home I start working on dinner ..."

Neytiro " no let me cook dinner tonight you promised to pull our weight around here"

Y/n " thank you" neytiro soon place some meat over the fire and started making dinner while Jake looked at you as, you were holding neteyam.

Y/n " do you wish to hold our son ma jake"

Jake " I'm good watching from here"

Y/n " my husband you will hold our son right now he needs to know what you sound like and look like"

Jake " but I ..."

Neytiro " there mo fighting her Jake when she makes up her mind"

Jake " sure I will hold him" you soon passed neteyam over to Jake and he was soon holding his son and a smile has grown on Jake face.

Jake " he is really our first son our little neteyam"

Y/n " you know they saw there is a special bond a father and his first born son"

Jake " my son my precious son" Jake held neteyam close as the baby had reached out his hands toward his father and Jake had placed one of his fingers close to him.

Y/n " what do you think he would be like when he older will he like you or neytiro"

Neytiro " I think he will be like us both the fight spirt of his father and leadership, but he will get this kindness and pure heart from his mother"

Y/n " the great mother has blessed us with a wonderful son" you and placed your head 9n Jake shoulder making Jake smile even more, neteyam has a special bond with his fathers but he had a tighter bond with his mother. He would not be the only one all your kids will have a tight bond with you.

Jake " I will do anything in my power to keep this family safe and alive"

Y/n " I know you will jake I know you will"

Neytiro " it seems like our little neteyam has fallen asleep"

Y/n " let put him in bed ...."

Jake " no let me hold him a little longer just a little longer, I don't want this moment to end"

Y/n " yes my husband" Jake had held neteyem a bit longer and soon put him to bed always making sure to check on him very hard hour, neteyam was the first baby so all three of you are overprotective of him. Neteyam will grow up to have all three parents personalities that will shape him in the warrior he would become when he was older.

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