Recoms and navi child

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Quaritch and his team had shown that pandora was not that bad after all and after teaming up with the scientists and Jake they were given avatar bodies as well, quaritch had gained a lo of respect from the Omaticaya clan by his scars and high ranking with the solders. Even with Jake help the team was able to learn the navi way but still stay human just in case something bad happen, and that something bad did happen. It was all because of Selfridge and his money hunger friend bakc on earth, they wanted to use all the avatar as super solider abasing the navi and humans that didn't meat their perfect ranking. Quaritch and his team had helped stopped of the planing but they couldn't get word out to Jake and warn him and everyone else, as selfrigde had made a horrible lie that solders had been attacked unknown navi group and killed along with the scientists that came with them. That was all a lie they were well alive but lost and not able to get bakc home right away.

???? " dad" quaritch did have a wife name paz who had joined him and his team she had fallen in love with pandroa and well and wanted to keep to safe from the miners. They  and everyone else with them had survived the attack on them, for some unknown reason and permanently become avatar start a new life in the land they were on making a small clan. Pay would soon fallen pregnant which made the couple happy but their happiness would be cut short, as paz didn't survive the labor and dead.

Quaritch " yes sweetie" quaritch had looked up and saw him daughter looking down at him with a smile on her face.

Myra " can we go play" 

Quaritch " sure but what are the rules"

Myra " stay close to home and don't wonder tp far away, and if I see those miners come home straight away"

Quaritch " good you can go but stay close enough to the marks made by Mansk and lopez"

Myra " yes dad can I go now"

Quaritch " yes sweetie go have fun" myra soon ran off with a bright smile on her face passing by some of her uncles and aunts, she soon disappeared.

Lyle " umm sir should I go after her"

Quaritch " no she will be fine but just in caste given her a few minutes before some follows after her she dose know the way home, and she will be okay"

Z " yes sir"

With myra

Myra " ....." Myra was chasing after some flying lizards and laughing she loves exploring on her own or with her family, she was able to speak navi, English, and she was be taught other human languages from her other uncles and aunts.

Myra " oh viper wolf" myra didn't fear the creatures of pandora much to her father worries, as she would sometimes follow viper wolves around treat them as pets. Myra didn't have any friends around her age back home as she was the only kid, but she loved finding her way around her. She mostly like how she had five fingers and toes like her dad and the rest of the clan as her dad said it made her special which was good.

Myra " aww where did they go" myra had lost track of the viper wolves and couldn't find them anymore. Myra was looking that the river she loved dropping stuff into the river and watching them float down the river. She soon caught a small boat of wood and leaves floating down the river. The poor boat had gotten stuck and myra had picked it up, she was looking at the boat.

???? " I think I came down here we have to get it dad said it will make him a long time to make another one"

???? " I'm coming" soon tow navi little boys had shown themselves soon stopped when they saw lani all three kids looking at each other.

Myra : I found you boat it got stuck in the rocks" myra had held out the boat a the boys walked closer to her one of them taking the boat right away from her hands.

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