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"How can this be?"

     "That's an army of 2.2 million, how many people are there in Casta City? How could it be possible to destroy the 2.2 million army of the coalition army in less than half a day?"

     "Even if there are 2.2 million pigs, you have to kill the gods!"

     "It's true. I heard that because too many people died in the coalition forces, Spring Saint Er City and other six cities had to conscript all the civilians who took the initiative to support them on the city wall to clean up the battlefield, and the city guards returned They paid each person two gold coins a day."

     "Two gold coins? I can't make that much money in a year."

     "Tsimu, that's not right. In other words, those rumors are false. The first battle in Casta City wiped out more than two million troops of the empire?"

     @无限好文, all in Jinjiang Literature City "How many people died in Casta City?"

     "Only one died."

     "What, only one died?"

     "Yes, only one died, and that person was not a soldier of Casta City, but a civilian who wanted to support the army of Casta City. I'm so old, I accidentally died laughing."

     In other words, everyone in Casta City died in this battle?"

     "Didn't it mean that the empire will win this battle, and the city of Casita will lose?" "Why did the empire lose so badly at the beginning?"

     "Does this mean that Casita City may win this war?" ^ Hiss——"

     And just when the empire was in an uproar. Huiman City.

     "Waste, a bunch of waste—"

     The Pope rushed to Huiman City overnight, and with a wave of his left hand, he directly sent Caron's disease flying out.

     He originally thought that it was enough to deal with a small city of Casta. The presence of the royal family and Archbishop Asa, plus the Elf Queen was enough.

     ——Because the plan to resurrect Grant has reached the most critical moment, just in case, he must now stay in the secret room at all times.

     That's why he let go of this matter to Kashan and the others.

     Even though he clearly knew that Caron would definitely play tricks in this battle and do some dangerous things to save the court. But at least among the current royal family and the Holy See, Caron is indeed the most capable person.

     But he never expected that the war had just begun, and Karon and the others would make such a big mistake for him.

     The five hundred thousand allied forces were killed by nearly half of them on the first day

     And 400,000 of them are the Knights of the Church.

     It's just that Archbishop Asa and the others are his confidantes, so of course he won't blame them, so the only one who bears his anger is Caron.

     But even after beating Caron half to death, he still didn't feel relieved.

     He immediately pointed to Karon who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up after breaking two huge stone pillars, and said angrily, "Drag him down, hello."

     After finally recovering his breath, the faith on Kalong's face tightened in an instant. Because he knew that the pope was stupid enough to kill him.

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