Getting to Know Mr. Powers.

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"Grace. Get up. There's something you need to see." That whispering stirred me out of my barely-adequate sleep. And when I opened my eyes, the gorgeous blues of Dominic's orbs stared back at me in a way that made me aware that he was very close to me.

His eyelids failed to blink for a couple of seconds and I found that somewhat creepy. If he were someone else, I would have probably kicked his ass off the bed.

"Hey there." I threw him a lazy smile.

"What were you thinking about?" His hand grazed my cheek.

"How I could have kicked you out of my bed."

He frowned as he helped me sit up. "What?"

"Dude, you were staring right into my eyes. It was creepy."

"It is nice to know that I can be good-looking yet creepy."

I playfully stuck my tongue out.

"Why did you wake me up? I have not exactly gotten much sleep."

"I know. And I am sorry I haven't been around to help with Ruby."

My eyes followed him as he reached for a strand of my hair and began to play with it.

"Well, you are a busy man."

A loud sigh escaped his lips. "Actually, that is it. I need to lessen my attention on work so that I can be more around my two favourite women. And... crazy enough, even though we have been in the same house for the past two days, I have been very absent and the fact that you were the only one taking care of Ruby makes me feel guilty."

"Isn't that what you pay me to do?" It's funny that I forgot that I am being paid to babysit Ruby. I take care of her like it is a natural thing for me.

Dominic looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully for a while. "Now, that you mention it, you are right. But still, I should have been around to help."

"Where are you going with all of these?"

He reached for my right hand and planted a kiss on it. "I have a surprise for you." Unresponsive, I stared back at him, awaiting his next words. "Did you hear me?"

"Yes. You said you have a surprise."

"Aren't you supposed to ask what it is?"

"I am meant to do that?" I must look confused. "Sorry, I am so tired, I am not thinking straight." His eyes narrowed and his lips scrunched as though he was in deep thought.

After what seemed like an eternity of silence, he jumped off the bed and grabbed my hand. "Hey! What are you doing?"

"Just come with me," he urged.

I kicked off the sheets around my legs and found my stance on the cold tile.

As we walked out of the semi-cold room, a thought flashed in my mind and I looked up at the only part of him that was in view- the back of his head.

"Did you say- my two favourite women- earlier?"

"What are you talking about?" He walked down the stairs and I jogged along.

"Earlier, when you were giving your I need to be around more often speech. I heard you say- my two favourite women."

He released a low grunt and no words followed. He opened the door and led us out and still said nothing. So, while he made sure that he locked the door, my lips formed a little pout in protest.

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