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With speed and roughness, I swerved toward the shortcut that led to my workplace. With the way I drove, it was surprising that no police car was on my tail.

But it is a good thing that did not happen. It would have been tedious to have another reason to be held down.

Soon, I arrived at my destination.

With reckless haste, I grabbed my bag and ran into the two-floor building.

I could feel eyes on me as I raced to my station while I hoped within me that my friend was able to cover for me and that my boss wasn't around.

Many seconds later, I made it to my office but I was breathing so hard that I had to pause for a minute.

With my right hand reaching for the edge of my desk, I leaned against the wall and slid down until I reached the floor.

"Grace is that you?" I heard the voice of my partner, Samantha, calling from her seat.

Unable to speak as I was still trying to achieve normal breathing, I managed to wave my right hand to answer her.

In no time, my blonde workmate was crouched in front of me, and the bottle of water in her hand was placed against my mouth.

I gulped the water so fast that Sam couldn't help but amusedly watch me.

Once I finished the whole bottle, a satisfied sigh left me and I finally became normal. I then motioned to the boss's office and asked if he was around.

"Grace, I am afraid the boss won't be lenient with you this time around. He has been waiting for you since eight.

I tried to stall but he was already threatening to fire you. I want..."

Samantha's voice soon became very, very distant as I dejectedly went into my little word of thoughts.

The moment I hoped not to witness was finally around. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if I get fired. I kind of deserve it.

But it is still scary that the one stable thing in my life is about to crash.

With lumps of emotions stuck in my throat, I came back to reality and glanced at Sam.

With worry etched in her eyes, she placed her hands on my shoulders and said, "Grace, I know the past few years have been rough for you. But the lifestyle you chose to deal with your pain is destroying you." Her feet adjusted and she shifted closer. "I don't like seeing you this way, Grace. Grace, please..."

Sam's pleading words were soon interrupted by the firm voice of my boss who mercilessly screamed my name from his office.

I hurriedly leaped to my feet. If not for Sam, I would have given in to my weak knees and fallen. But her support assured me and I dusted the back of my trousers.

"Miss Sands! Where the fuck is your ass at?"

Ohh. My boss is madly angry. Shit.

I rushed out of my office and headed to the boss's, jamming into someone in the process.

"Hey! Come on!" Whoever it was said, his hands in the air in protest.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry." I kept mumbling as I resumed my rush to the boss's office. When I made it to his office, I took a moment to catch my breath, then I pushed open the glass doors that were separating him from me.

"Good morning, sir."

I greeted the figure behind the huge, wooden desk which had paper works arranged at one side, and a laptop in the centre. Two picture frames and his rarely used desktop computer decorated the far end of the furniture.

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